
When using a personal access token with github, receive 422 error

Closed this issue · 4 comments

  "message": "Validation Failed",
  "errors": [
      "resource": "Issue",
      "code": "custom",
      "field": "body",
      "message": "body is too long (maximum is 65536 characters)"
  "documentation_url": "https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/#create-an-issue"

Not sure if this is even fixable, so if not, perhaps mention in the docs?

Yeah, it looks like this is a github API limitation. Do you think this might be a result of your redux state being quite large, or perhaps a lot of actions happening on the page? If the redux state is large perhaps you could use the redaction hooks to make it smaller, although you could break bug playback. If you have a lot of actions that are causing the payload to be large then I'd say this is a dupe of #24

Yep, sounds like it's large state. I will just try using Sheetsu. Not to change the subject, but it looks like the use of Sheetsu requires a proxy?

You shouldn't need a proxy for Sheetsu, does the pattern in the docs throw an error? I updated the formatting in the docs, looks like github changed how they handle markdown since I wrote it.

I think again it's an issue of the POST body being bigger than they want to handle. Perhaps on a paid plan the body can be bigger? I will mess with it a bit, that said, I think you can close this issue and thanks for the responses!