
Statistical Seismology Tools in Julia

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Statistical Seismology Tools in Julia

This repository hosts various Julia scripts for performing statistical seismology tasks. It is currently a work in progress and under development, so please have patience.

This compilation of codes are dedicated to Ilya Zaliapin, a dear friend, a mentor, and an outstanding scientist whose ideas will resonate through the statistical seismology community for years to come.

The (unregistered) package can be installed using the Julia Pkg manager:

pkg> add https://github.com/dttrugman/StatSei.jl

Note that at present writing, the plotting functionality involves PyPlot which while functional is not ideal for a Julia package. Pull requests to help fix this are most welcome.

The notebooks/ directory contains several example notebooks doing various calculations. These notebooks use additional functionality from the external packages, so if you would like to run them please also add the following:

pkg> add DataFrames, GLM, CSV, StatsBase, PyPlot

The examples are as follows:

  • fmd_bval_example.ipynb: example calculations involving frequency-magnitude distributions (FMDs) and b-value estimation.

  • nearest_neighbors_example.ipynb: example implementation of the nearest neighbor seismicity clustering analysis proposed by Zaliapin et al. (2008) and Zaliapin and Ben-Zion (2013).

  • projection_fractal_example.ipynb: examples of transformation of seismicity catalogs to cartesian coordinates in order to calculate the spatial fractal dimension.