Paste your html into a template and use functions of your model for the arguments. When you update your model the DOM updates itself. No compiling and nothing is virtual.
turns XML with interspersed arguments into a simple object based description of DOM objects.
It's an XML parser with the additional feature that it operates on string literals so that arguments can be copied into the DOM description (where appropriate). This allows render
to expand any functions copied into the description itself and allows any web-components to receive real objects as properties.
is broken out into it's own repo
creates a proxy of whatever object you give it. The proxy keeps track of which values were read during renders. If any of those values are changed later the corresponding child node or attribute are updated.
is broken out into it's own repo
takes a DOM element and an array of descriptions (generated by h
). The descriptions are turned into actual DOM elements and set as children of the passed in element.
import { h, render } from 'horseless'
function fourFiveSix () {
return h`<div>4</div><div>5</div><div>6</div>`
render(document.querySelector('.count'), h`
${[7, 8, 9].map(v => h`<div>${v}</div>`)}
Functions used as arguments (fourFiveSix
) are evaluated at render time. Arrays are expanded recursively. So if your argument is a function that returns an array of functions that return arrays themselves you still get a flat DOM.
And use it with proxy!
import { h, render, proxy } from 'horseless'
const model = proxy({seconds: 0})
setInterval(() => model.seconds++, 1000)
render(document.body, h`
<span>hello world! seconds running: ${() => model.seconds.toString()}</span>
There's a todomvc example in the docs folder. You can see it running at
- Because functions are used to generate dynamic values, they are always expanded. It's likely that on- handler functions starting with need to be "escaped"
// this works as you'd expect it to
h`<span class=${functionThatReturnsClasses}> click me </span>`
// this logs something like 'click <span>click me</span>' when it's parsed but doesn't do anything when clicked
h`<span onclick=${el => console.log('click', el)}> click me </span>`
// this is probably what you want
h`<span onclick=${el => e => console.log('click', e)}> click me </span>`
- Put quotes around embedded expression attributes to combine them
h`<span class="${returnsClasses} a-class ${returnsAnotherClass}">
click me
</span>` // this works now
- Attributes are built once before the node exists. (This might be my least favorite compromise in this whole project)
If you come across more things that may be confusing, please file an issue
The first iteration of this project did "just one thing" and that was the template literal xhtml parsing. The model stuff was for demos... but it was so cool (imho) it got moved into the project proper. That said, the goal of this project is to enable transformations from models to views. Having the view update as the model updates seemed to be in line with that goal. So... it's still kind of doing "just one thing" (but even if you don't buy that the two features are deeply integrated and it's still a long way from bloated)
There's around 400 code-golf-free lines with no external dependencies. you can read through all the code and understand every subtle nuance in an hour
The gzipped minified version is 2k
- documentation...
- less adding and removing when splicing child nodes lists