
A dockerfile for the LDAP ToolBox Self Service Password utility, a PHP application that allows users to change their password in an LDAP directory.

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LDAP Toolbox - Self-Service-Password

Originally developed by "LTB-Project"

A PHP-based web-application (running on an Apache Webserver) that allows users to change their password in an LDAP directory. The application is developed by the LTB-Project (see http://ltb-project.org/wiki/documentation/self-service-password).

Configuration is performed automatically during each start-up to link to the appropriate LDAP- and/or Mail-Containers.

NOTE: On purpose, there is no secured channel (TLS/SSL) to the OpenLDAP-Server, because its service will never be exposed to the world.


  • Docker (>= 1.9.0)
  • OpenLDAP-Server (required)
  • Mail-Server (optional)

Provided Resouces

The service provides the following network ports and filesystems.

Exposed Ports

  • 80 : Web-Server (unsecure)

Exposed Filesystems



The created container is configured automatically by the entrypoint-script during each run.

During this each run the following environment variables are evaluated:

General Variables:

    • Override the default-hostname used in mails and web-interface

LDAP Self-Service-Password (optional):

  • LSSP_ATTR_LOGIN (default: uid)
    • LDAP attribute for "Login"-Name
  • LSSP_ATTR_FN (default: cn)
    • LDAP attribute for user's full name
  • LSSP_ATTR_MAIL (default: mail)
    • LDAP attribute for user's mail address (required for password-reset support)
  • LSSP_DEFAULT_ACTION (default: change)
    • LSSP default action for changing password (supported are change, sendtoken or sendsms)
  • LSSP_MAIL_FROM_LDAP (default: false)
    • Don't ask for user's mail address. It will use the first address found in the corresponding user DN.
  • LSSP_SHOW_MENU (default: true)
    • Show menu on top of the page

OpenLDAP-Server (required):

  • LDAP_BASE (default: empty)
    • LDAP-Domain to search for user-entries
    • Provide in dotted (.) notation (i.e. domain.com)
  • LDAP_HOST (default: empty)
    • LDAP-Server's hostname or IP-address
  • LDAP_STARTTLS (default: true)
    • Use STARTTLS for connection to LDAP
  • LDAP_USER (default: cn=admin,${LDAP_BASE})
    • Complete DN of the admin user, which is allowed to change user passwords.
    • Password of the admin user
  • LDAP_AD_MODE (default: false)
    • Enable support for Active Directory

Mail-Server (optional):

If SMTP_HOST is not set, Password-Reset via Mail-Tokens will be disabled in the Web-Interface! If either SMTP_USER or SMTP_PASS are empty, SMTP connects without user credentials!

  • SMTP_HOST (default: empty)
    • Mail-Server's hostname or IP-address
  • SMTP_PORT (default: 25)
    • Mail-Server's port
  • SMTP_USER (default: empty)
    • Username for sender's mail-account
    • If omitted, authentication is disabled
  • SMTP_PASS (default: empty)
    • Password for sender's mail-account
    • If omitted, authentication is disabled
  • SMTP_FROM (default: root(at)${SERVER_HOSTNAME})
    • The address from which the password notification is coming from
  • SMTP_TLS (default: true)
    • Enable TLS connection

reCAPTCHA (optional):

  • RECAPTCHA_USE (default: false)
    • Activate reCAPTCHA feature
  • RECAPTCHA_PUB_KEY (default: empty)
    • reCAPTCHA public key
  • RECAPTCHA_PRV_KEY (default: empty)
    • reCAPTCHA private key
  • RECAPTCHA_SSL (default: false)
    • Enable TLS
  • RECAPTCHA_THEME (default: white)
    • Choose theme

Link to a supported LDAP-Container

If you have a running OpenLDAP container of the following types

you can link those containers directly using the link-alias ldap which will provide the following environment variables automatically

  • LDAP_HOST (by Docker Environment)
  • LDAP_PORT (by Docker Environment)

Link to a supported Mail-Server Container

If you have running Mail-Server inside a container, you can link such a container directly using the link-alias mail. This will provide the following environment variables:

  • SMTP_HOST (by Docker Environment)
  • SMTP_PORT (by Docker Environment)

Advance configuration

If you want to override configuration you can mount volume for /usr/share/self-service-password/conf/conf.d and put your conf.php in it.

Password policy

Put this file in local lssp.d directory:


$pwd_min_length = 4;
$pwd_max_length = 24;

$pwd_min_lower = 3;
$pwd_min_upper = 1;
$pwd_min_digit = 1;
$pwd_min_special = 1;

$pwd_special_chars = "^a-zA-Z0-9";
$pwd_complexity = 4;

$pwd_no_reuse = true;

$pwd_show_policy = "always";

Then run your container with --volume ./lssp.d:/usr/share/self-service-password/conf/conf.d.


You can run a container without linked containers:

docker run -d -p 8080:80
-e LDAP_HOST=<ldap-server-hostname>
-e LDAP_PORT=389
-e LDAP_BASE=example.com
-e LDAP_USER=<admin-username>
-e LDAP_PASS=<admin-password>
-e SMTP_HOST=<mailserver-hostname>
[-e SMTP_PORT=25]
[-e SMTP_USER=<smtp-username>]
[-e SMTP_PASS=<smtp-password>]
[-e SMTP_TLS=on]
[[-h <hostname>] | [-e SERVER_HOSTNAME=<hostname>]]

Or with linked LDAP and Mail-Containers

docker run -d -p 8080:80
--link <ldap-server-container>:ldap
--link <mail-server-container>:mail
[-e SMTP_USER=<smtp-username>]
[-e SMTP_PASS=<smtp-password>]
[-e SMTP_TLS=on]
[[-h <hostname>] | [-e SERVER_HOSTNAME=<hostname>]]

The examples above expose service on port 8080, so you can point your browser to http://hostname:8765/ in order to change or reset LDAP passwords.
