
OpenLDAP Docker Container

Primary LanguageShell


An OpenLDAP-Server to provide user authentication including password policies for Linux.

The intention is to provide an auto-configured LDAP authentication-server for other containers. Other containers should use nslcd for user-authentication.

NOTE: On purpose, there is no secured channel (TLS/SSL), because this service should never be exposed to the internet, but only be used directly by other Docker containers using Docker's link option.


  • Docker (>= 1.9.0)

Provided Resouces

The service provides the following network ports and filesystems.

Exposed Ports

  • 389 : LDAP-Server (internal)
  • 10389 : LDAP-Server (external)

Exposed Filesystems


Build Image

The image is build by executing the following Docker-Command in the project's root directory:

docker build -t openldap \
       --build-arg='HTTP_PROXY=http://<proxy-hostname>:<port>' \

Build Arguments

  • HTTP_PROXY=http://<proxy-hostname>:<proxy-port>
    • This Web-Proxy is just required for the installation process. It is no more used afterwards.

Build Arguments can also be provided in the Dockerfile using the ARG-instruction.


The created container is configured automatically by the entrypoint-script during the first run.

During this first run the following environment variables must be provided:

    • LDAP-Domain for project-database
    • Provide in dotted (.) notation (i.e. domain.com)
    • Administrator Password for Project- and Config-Database
    • Defaults to $SLAPD_DOMAIN
    • Configure N-Way Multi-Master Replication with other LDAP-Servers
    • Syntax: "<Serer-URI>|<Admin-Password>[,...]"

Afterwards, the variables are no more used.


The container can be started directly (in background) by the following command-line:

docker run --name ldapauth -d \
           -p 10389:389 \
           -e SLAPD_PASSWORD=<secret> \
           -e SLAPD_DOMAIN=<example.org> \
           -e SLAPD_MULTIMASTER_HOSTS="ldap://<hostname-other-ldap>:<port>|<other-ldap-admin-password>,..." \

Alternatively it can be started in a docker-compose context with the following configuration parameters:

    image: openldap:latest
    container_name: ldapauth
    hostname: <hostname>
    domainname: <domain>
        - 10389:389
        - SLAPD_DOMAIN=<ldap-domain>
        - SLAPD_PASSWORD=<secret>
        - SLAPD_MULTIMASTER_HOSTS="ldap://<hostname-other-ldap>:<port>|<other-ldap-admin-password>,..."

Shell Access

For debugging and maintenance purposes you may want access the containers shell. A running containers shell can be started as follows:

docker exec -it ldapauth bash


Logging is performed directly in the console.

With installed ldaputils the system can be debugged.

Data Persistence

The image exposes two directories (VOLUME ["/etc/ldap", "/var/lib/ldap"]). The first holds the "static" configuration while the second holds the actual database. Please make sure that these two directories are saved (in a data-only container or alike) in order to make sure that everything is restored after a restart of the container.