
Whole program static stack analysis

Primary LanguageLLVMApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Whole program static stack analysis

Call graph with direct function calls


  • The tool produces a call graph of the selected program as a dot file.
  • Each node (function) in the call graph includes the local stack usage of the function, if provided by LLVM (see -Z emit-stack-sizes).
  • If the call graph contains no cycles then the tool also computes the maximum stack usage of each function, that is the stack usage that includes the stack usage of the functions the function may invoke.


Currently the call graph and stack analysis can only reason about direct function calls. Indirect function calls, via pointers (e.g. fn()) or trait objects, are not properly supported. If the program contain these indirect function calls then the result of the analysis will be imprecise.

The tool assumes that all instances of inline assembly (asm!) use zero bytes of stack. This is not always the case so the tool prints a warning message for each asm! statement it encounters.

Analysis of std programs is currently out of scope. Bug reports related to std programs will be given the lowest priority. The rationale is that the main goal of this tool is stack analysis, the analysis currently can't handle indirect function calls, std::fmt uses plenty of trait objects and function pointers and all std programs use std::fmt (yes, even the simplest one: fn main() {}) thus analyzing std programs is pointless at the moment.

The tool depends on unstable compiler features and can only be used with a nightly toolchain. Due to this cargo-call-stack could stop working after updating the compiler.


$ # Rust >=1.31
$ cargo +beta install cargo-call-stack

Example usage

The tool prints a dot file to stdout.

$ cargo +nightly call-stack --example app > cg.svg
warning: assuming that asm!("") does *not* use the stack
warning: assuming that asm!("") does *not* use the stack

Graphviz's dot can be used to generate an image from this dot file.

$ dot -Tsvg -Nfontname='Fira Code' -Nshape=box cg.dot > cg.svg

Call graph with direct function calls

Each node in this graph represents a function, which could be a free function, an inherent method or a trait method. Each directed edge indicates a "calls" relationship. For example, in the above graph Reset calls both main and DefaultPreInit.

Each node also contains its local stack usage in bytes and its max-imum stack usage, also in bytes. The maximum stack usage includes the stack usage of all the other functions that the function could invoke.

This is the no_std program used to generate the call graph shown above.


extern crate panic_halt;

use core::ptr;

use cortex_m_rt::{entry, exception};

fn main() -> ! {
    let x = 0;
    unsafe {
        // force `x` to be on the stack



    loop {}

fn foo() {
    unsafe {
        // spill variables onto the stack
        asm!("" : : "r"(0) "r"(1) "r"(2) "r"(3) "r"(4) "r"(5));

fn bar() {
    unsafe {
        // spill variables onto the stack
        asm!("" : : "r"(0) "r"(1) "r"(2) "r"(3) "r"(4) "r"(5) "r"(6) "r"(7));

fn SysTick() {

PoC: support for trait objects

With help from the compiler the tool can reason about dynamic dispatch. As a PoC we patched the compiler to generate call site metadata that lets cargo call-stack include trait objects in its analysis.

NOTE That branch is a PoC and it's only supported by version 0.1.0 of cargo-call-stack.

The program below uses a trait object (dyn Foo) in the SysTick exception handler.


extern crate panic_halt;

use core::ptr;

use cortex_m::interrupt;
use cortex_m_rt::{entry, exception};

trait Foo {
    fn bar(&self, x: i32) -> i32;

struct X;

impl Foo for X {
    fn bar(&self, x: i32) -> i32 {
        let y = 0;
        unsafe {
            // force `y` to be allocated on the stack

        x + 1

struct Y;

impl Foo for Y {
    fn bar(&self, x: i32) -> i32 {
        let y = 0u64;
        unsafe {
            // force `y` to be allocated on the stack

        2 * x

static mut Z: &Foo = &X;

unsafe fn main() -> ! {
    loop {
        interrupt::free(|_| {
            Z = &Y;

unsafe fn SysTick() {
    // dynamic dispatch

With the patched compiler the tool generates the following graph.

Call graph with dynamic dispatch (trait object)

Note that SysTick invokes the bar method on the trait object dyn Foo. The tool knows that there are only two Foo implementers in the final binary; this is reflected in the call graph and the tool is able to compute the maximum stack usage of SysTick.

If you are interested in making the compiler generate the required information to make this tool properly support dynamic dispatch then check out this issue.


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