
Object detection approach to peak detection in mass spec data

Primary LanguagePython


ADAP-BIG-V2 is a software that detects peaks in mass spectrometry data using object detection and image processing through the YOLOv5 algorithm and preprocessing blocking methods.

YoloV5 Pytorch Model Training

Model training notebook: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Zfc0K-rSsAA366ymqeoTUNEbx3bATYP8?usp=sharing

Labeling website: hasty.ai

Export YoloV5 Pytorch formatted data: roboflow.com


Untitled Diagram drawio


CD to the folder with requirements.txt and run this command in the terminal:

pip install requirements.txt


python adap_3d_main.py

Adjust Parameters

Navigate to params.py in the adap-3d-cli directory and adjust parameters in this module


YoloV5 inferences stored in the cloned repo runs folder.

Exports one .csv file to user specified results path (user can specify in params.py) containing:

  • Block # peak is located in
  • M/Z value of peak
  • Retention Time value of peak
  • M/Z and Retention Time ranges
  • Confidence of model on specified peak


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
