
Docker file for Faveo HELPDESK

Open Software License 3.0OSL-3.0

Docker file for Faveo HELPDESK

With this Docker file you can build a Docker image for Faveo HELPDESK

How to use

This image build is based on the docker image of faveo-docker-php so it does not provide a mysql server. To use the image there are several ways.

Use a Remote Database host

run the image from the repository

  docker run -d --name invoice-faveo -e "DATBASE_TYPE=mysql" -e "DATBASE_HOST=db" -e "DATBASE_NAME=faveo" -e "DATBASE_USER=faveo" -e "DATBASE_PASSWORD=faveo" -p 80:80 ladybirdweb/faveo-docker

These are the default environment variables. Change the values to your server credentials.

Use a docker mysql container

You first need to initialize the database container with a name.

  docker run --name some-db-name -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -P -d mysql

After that, you need to connect to your mysql container and execute the sql that is recommended by Faveo HELPDESK developers. You can find that information in the main repository ladybirdweb/faveo-helpdesk

Next you need to build the docker

  docker build ladybirdweb/docker-faveo

Now you can start your invoice docker container

  docker run -d --name faveo-helpdesk --link some-db-name:db -p 80:80 ladybirdweb/faveo-helpdesk

Thats it your Faveo HELPDESK container is running.

How to build

  1. Clone the whole repo to your local machine
  2. update the submodules with git submodule foreach git pull
  3. change the directory to faveo src cd faveo-helpdesk/faveo-helpdesk
  4. install the dependencies of Faveo HELPDESK composer install and bower install
  5. change back to root of repository cd ../../
  6. use docker build to build the image docker build -t="faveo-helpdesk" faveo-helpdesk/

Your image is now ready to use on your local machine