ESP32-CAM Web Server publishing the last picture saved in the SPIFFS and publishing data from a MQTT server
- This repo contains the code for a web server, using the ESP32-CAM, which publishes the last picture taken by the camera.
- The picture is saved on the SPIFFS of the ESP32-CAM. It only saves one picture (everytime that a picture is taken, it replaces the existing one).
- The web server page shows the last picture taken by the camera and also shows some sensor readings.
- Once I had problems in connecting the sensors to the ESP32-CAM, the ESP8266 module is connected to the sensors, and publish the readings in a MQTT server running in my Raspberry Pi.
- The ESP32-CAM connects to this MQTT server and publish the sensor readingsa in the web server page.
- This project was built over the idea shown in