* Project#1 P434                            *
* PageRank                                  *
*[Group 6 (Zhexu Fan & Chao Duan)]          *
This was a Java project as a practice of calculating pagerank of urls.
In this version of code, we tested it using parameters 
	pagerank.input.1000.15 outputFile.txt 20 0.85
and     pagerank.input outputFile.txt 10 0.85
and put the input files in the project folder so it runs well.

The main code of the project is in src/zhefan_HadoopPageRank/zhefan_HadoopPageRank.java.
We can also open the entire folder as a whole project in eclipse and test it there.

Pagerank.input.xx files contains the sample input data we need to test the code.
OutputFile.txt contains all the running result of the test.
zhefan_HadoopPageRank_output.txt contains the first 10 URLs along with their ranks. 
username_HadoopPageRank_report.docx is the report of the project.