
A C# Fody plugin that allows you to annotate a method [SwallowExceptions] to wrap the method contents in a try / catch block

Primary LanguageC#

Swallow Exceptions

A C# Fody plugin that allows you to annotate a method with the [SwallowExceptions] attribute to have the method contents wrapped in a try / catch block.

Introduction to Fody


Your Code

public class MyClass
    void MyMethod()

What gets compiled

public class MyClass
    void MyMethod()
      catch (Exception exception)

Working alongside other Fody Plugins

In the case of other attribute based Fody plugins, i.e. Anotar, the order that the plugins get invoked becomes important.

In most cases you'd like this plugin to be the last plugin to inject code into a method, to do so ensure that it is the last plugin listed in the project's FodyWeavers.xml file like shown here:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <Anotar.Log4Net />
  <SwallowExceptions />

In this case, you can do things like the following, where Anotar will log the exception, then SwallowExceptions will catch the rethrown exception:

public class MyClass
    [LogToFatalOnException, SwallowExceptions]
    void MyMethod()

What gets compiled

public class MyClass
    void MyMethod()
        catch (Exception exception)
            if (logger.IsErrorEnabled)
                var message = string.Format("Exception occurred in SimpleClass.MyMethod. param1 '{0}', param2 '{1}'", param1, param2);
                logger.ErrorException(message, exception);
      catch (Exception exception)

NuGet Status


This is a simple solution used to illustrate how to write a Fody addin.


See also Fody usage.

NuGet installation

Install the BasicFodyAddin.Fody NuGet package and update the Fody NuGet package:

PM> Install-Package Fody
PM> Install-Package BasicFodyAddin.Fody

The Install-Package Fody is required since NuGet always defaults to the oldest, and most buggy, version of any dependency.

Add to FodyWeavers.xml

Add <BasicFodyAddin/> to FodyWeavers.xml


The moving parts

See writing an addin

Updating Package Version Number

Edit the value in the Version element of Directory.Build.props

Creating the NuGet Package

Run the following command in ./SwallowExceptions/

dotnet pack .\SwallowExceptions.csproj -c Release

The NuGet package will be saved as ./nugets/SwallowExceptions.Fody.(VersionNumber).nupkg


Lego designed by Timur Zima from The Noun Project.