
Dart SDK for CKB

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


License Pub CircleCI Github Actions CI Platform codecov

Dart SDK for Nervos CKB


  • Dart 2.5 or later


You should install dart firstly through Dart.



A simple usage example of jsonrpc request which in example/rpc.dart:

main() async {
  Api api = Api('http://localhost:8114', hasLogger: false);
  String blockHash = await api.getBlockHash('0x2');
  Block block = await api.getBlock(blockHash);

Simple Wallet example

A simple usage example of sendTransaction which is in example/wallet.dart:

main() async {
    api = Api(NODE_URL);

    print('Before transferring, sender\'s balance: ${await getBalance(TestAddress)} CKB');

    print('Before transferring, first receiver\'s balance: ${await getBalance(ReceiveAddresses[0])} CKB');

    print('Before transferring, change address\'s balance: ${await getBalance(changeAddress)} CKB');

    var hash = await sendCapacity(receivers, changeAddress);
    print('Transaction hash: $hash');

    // waiting transaction into block, sometimes you should wait more seconds
    sleep(Duration(seconds: 30));

    print('After transferring, sender\'s balance: ${await getBalance(TestAddress)} CKB');

    print('After transferring, receiver\'s balance: ${await getBalance(ReceiveAddresses[0])} CKB');

    print('After transferring, change address\'s balance: ${await getBalance(changeAddress)} CKB');


If you want to develop by yourself, you can download this project to your local.

git clone https://github.com/duanyytop/ckb_sdk_dart.git
cd ckb_sdk_dart

pub get                       // download and install dependence
pub run test                  // run sdk unit tests

dart ./example/main.dart       // rpc request example
dart ./example/single_key_single_sig_tx_example.dart    // single key and single signature transaction 
dart ./example/multi_key_single_sig_tx_example.dart     // multi keys and single signature transaction 
dart ./example/dao_deposit.dart                         // Nervos DAO deposit example
dart ./example/dao_withdraw.dart                        // Nervos DAO withdraw phase1 and phase2 example
dart ./example/carrot_contract.dart                     // simple contract(with carrot string) example
dart ./example/udt.contract.dart                        // simple udt contract example

Features and bugs

Please create pull requests or issues in this GitHub repo if you want to contribute new features or find bugs.

Welcome to join us. Thanks.