
Authors' PyTorch implementation of "Efficient Feature Compression for Edge-Cloud Systems"

Primary LanguagePython

Efficient Feature Compression for Edge-Cloud Systems

Paper: Efficient Feature Compression for Edge-Cloud Systems, published at Picture Coding Symposium (PCS) 2022
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.09897



  • pytorch>=1.12, tqdm, compressai==1.2.2 (link)
  • Code has been tested on Windows and Linux with Intel CPUs and Nvidia GPUs (Python 3.9, CUDA 11.3).


  1. Download the repository;
  2. Download the pre-trained model checkpoints and put them in the checkpoints folder.

Pre-trained model checkpoints:

Latency Link
ours_n0 3.95ms Google Drive
ours_n4 6.70ms Google Drive
ours_n8 10.2ms Google Drive
ours_n0_enc 3.95ms Google Drive
ours_n4_enc 6.70ms Google Drive
ours_n8_enc 10.2ms Google Drive

*Latency is the time to encode a 224x224 RGB image, including time for entropy coding. Device: Intel 10700k CPU, using 8 cores (default of PyTorch).


  • Compress an image feature: See example-sender.ipynb.
  • Prediction from compressed feature: See example-receiver.ipynb.

Evaluation on ImageNet

Evaluate all models on ImageNet: python evalutate.py -d /path/to/imagenet/val -b batch_size -w cpu_workers



Train the ours_n4 model

python train.py --model ours_n4

Supported models:

  • ours_n8
  • ours_n8_enc
  • ours_n4
  • ours_n4_enc
  • ours_n0
  • ours_n0_enc
  • matsubara2022wacv

Specify GPU id=4

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=4 python train.py --model ours_n4

Specify bpp_lmb

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=4 python train.py --model ours_n4 --model_args bpp_lmb=0.64

The training loss function is loss = other_terms + lmb_bpp * bppix

  • A larger bpp_lmb results in lower bpp but lower accuracy
  • A smaller bpp_lmb results in higher bpp but higher accuracy

Specify batch size

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=4 python train.py --model ours_n4 --model_args bpp_lmb=0.64 --batch_size 128

The default batch size is 384, which we used to train our models (we used 4 GPUs, 96 on each). Lower batch size results in a faster training but probably worse final performance.

Log training using Weights & Biases

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=4 python train.py --model ours_n4 --model_args bpp_lmb=0.64 --batch_size 128 --wbmode online

By default, the run locates at https://wandb.ai/home > "edge-cloud-rac" project > "default-group" group. One can specify the project name and group name by --wbproject and --wbgroup

Multi-GPU training, using four GPUs (id=4,5,6,7)

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=4,5,6,7 torchrun --nproc_per_node 4 train.py --model ours_n4 --model_args bpp_lmb=0.64 --batch_size 96 --wbmode online --ddp_find

Note: --ddp_find is necessary for using multi-GPU training (PyTorch DDP)
