
chat app made with NextJS, using Upstash-Redis, Next-Auth, and Pusher!

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Welcome to Chat App! This application provides an intuitive, hassle-free platform to connect and communicate with friends and colleagues.


Chat App allows you to communicate effortlessly, sharing ideas and building stronger connections. The app is crafted with ❤️, combining a user-friendly interface with the power of the latest technologies.

Key Features

  • Effortless Communication: Connect with others and communicate seamlessly.
  • Intuitive Interface: User-friendly design for a smooth chatting experience.
  • Idea Sharing: Share and discuss ideas with ease.
  • Modern Technologies: Built with the latest technologies for optimized performance.


Here are some of the key dependencies used in this project:

  • next: React framework for building web applications.
  • typescript: Typed superset of JavaScript.
  • @upstash-redis: Redis database management tool.
  • @tailwindcss: CSS styling utility.
  • axios: HTTP client for making requests.
  • react: JavaScript library for building UI.
  • zod: TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library.
  • @headlessui/react: UI components for React without styles.

Make sure to check the package.json file for a complete list of dependencies and their versions.

Getting Started

To get started with Chat App, follow these steps:

1. Clone the repository.

2. Install dependencies using npm install.

3. Configure dependencies:

a. Upstash Redis Setup:

Ensure you have an Upstash account and create a Redis database. Fill in the variables in the .env file: UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL=your_url UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN=your_token

b. Google OAuth Setup:

Create a project on Google Developers Console, enable the Google+ API, and obtain your credentials. Fill in the variables in the .env file: GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=your_id GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=your_secret

c. JWT Setup:

Fill in the variable in the .env file with a secret string to sign JWT tokens: JWT_SECRET=secret

d. NextAuth Setup:

Fill in the variables in the .env file with your application URL and a secret string for NextAuth: NEXTAUTH_URL=http://localhost:3000 NEXTAUTH_SECRET=secret

e. Pusher Setup:

Create an account on Pusher and obtain the credentials. Fill in the variables in the .env file: PUSHER_APP_ID=your_pusher_id NEXT_PUBLIC_PUSHER_APP_KEY=your_pusher_key PUSHER_APP_SECRET=your_pusher_secret

4. Run the application using npm run dev.

Feel free to explore and customize the application according to your needs!

Technological Choices Made During Development

Upstash (Redis)

I used Upstash for caching and real-time data storage. Its ease of use and efficient integration make it an ideal choice.

NextAuth with Google Provider

NextAuth provides a simple and secure solution for social authentication, while integration with Google offers familiarity to users.


Next.js, a React framework, offers SSR and static pre-rendering for enhanced performance and user experience.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS simplifies styling with its utility-first approach, providing flexibility and efficiency.

React Hook Form

React Hook Form simplifies form management in React, making validation and data handling more efficient.


Axios for HTTP requests.


Zod, a TypeScript validation library, enhances data integrity and reliability.


Vercel provides an efficient, scalable hosting platform with continuous integration and automated deployment.


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter issues or have suggestions for improvements, open an issue or create a pull request.

Enjoy your chats! 🚀