Project for the Ubiquitous Computing (ID2012) course on KTH - Royal Institute of Technology.
The objectives are described in the project report.
This project was developed by Duarte Galvão (@duartegalvao) and Pethrus Gärdborn (@PethrusG).
Issues are listed in "Issues".
Verify if you have python installed first (if not, install it):
$ python -V
Then, create a virtual environment and activate it:
$ virtualenv bottle-env
$ source bottle-env/bin/activate
Then, install the requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
If by default python is linked to Python 2, follow these steps instead.
Create a virtual environment and activate it:
$ virtualenv bottle-env -p python3
$ source bottle-env/bin/activate
Then, install the requirements:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Also replace "python" with "python3" in the following section.
First, add a migration for your database system (default: sqlite) and migrate it:
Assuming you are at the project root:
$ python bottle/ makemigrations
$ python bottle/ migrate
To run server, at default port:
$ python bottle/ runserver
Note that this isn't enough in order to dominate Django development. It is really important to read Django documentation.
For more information visit Django Website