
Toxic to cats and dogs.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build @dev @stage @prod
web dev@aws stage@aws prod@aws


lines functions branches statements


Toxic to cats and dogs.

Croton is an app to help you take care of your plants.

Getting Started


Install the dependencies, running yarn from the root directory:

[/]> yarn
Notice: you'll need yarn before start. If you haven't it already, follow the instructions here.

If you need to add a dependency to a package, run yarn add in the package directory:

[/packages/web]> yarn add redux


Use root or package level commands to run specific package, e.g. web:

[/] yarn workspace web start

[/packages/web] yarn start

You should add your google-services.json from firebase configs to '[/packages/mobile/android/app]. Also you should install gradlew dependencies.

[/packages/mobile/android] ./gradlew build

Use root or package level commands to run mobile:

[/] yarn workspace mobile android

You can run iOS simulator only on macOS. You should add GoogleService-Info.plist from firebase configs to '[/packages/mobile/ios] and make link on it in the Xcode. Also you should install dependencies for Swift/Objective-C for run iOS emulator.

[/packages/mobile/ios] pod install

Also if you use Xcode v12.0 and have bug with local images in simulator, you should make fix changes.

[/] yarn add patch-package postinstall-postinstall
[/] yarn patch-package     

Use root or package level commands to run mobile:

[/] yarn workspace mobile ios

If you would like to start android simulator on macOS you should give permission for:

[/] chmod 755 packages/mobile/android/gradlew


This is a monorepo for a web/mobile/server development, intending to share as much dependencies and code as possible. Dependencies reside in the root level node_modules. Individual packages reside in the packages directory:

/node_modules    // dependecies shared by the packages
  /web           // web code [React]
  /mobile        // mobile code [React Native]
  /server        // server code [Node]
  /core          // logic to be shared between web/mobile/server


If you'd like to contribute, please follow these recommendations.


MIT License