An open source community built with PHP using Laravel and Vue.js that allows developers share links of helpful videos.

Primary LanguageHTML

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ACADA is an open source community which helps developers share links of helpful videos. It has the following features

  • View all videos from the home-page
  • Browse videos by categories
  • View each video by clicking on it
  • Fell like you want to share helpful videos, click on the register button.
  • Has Social Authentication using facebook for this version
  • User profile Management
  • Sharing of Video links via Twitter

ACADA'S Approach

ACADA was built considering some facts which include:

  • Easy of usage : This is shown in the homepage where all videos on the platform are displayed with colors distinguishing different categories which makes easier to scan through. Also the ability to filter the videos by categories.
  • Use of some cool technologies like Ajax, Bootstrap,Laravel,Vue.js.
  • Videos can also be shared via twitter(for logged in users)
  • Built UX/UI from scratch
  • Visiting an individual video show related videos by the side(still in progress)

ACADA'S Approach. WHY?

  • Non easy to use softwares becomes more or less a burden to the user. That's why easy of usage was paramount ACADA'S design
  • The UX/UI was built from scratch in order to have full control of the platform for easy maintenance and upgrade
  • Easy accessibility of related videos


On the root directory, run 'vendor/bin/phpunit'

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within ACADA, please send an e-mail to Nriagu Chidubem at nriagudubem@yahoo.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.