# Contact App Description :- This project provide a contact APP where user can view and create their Contacts. Application depedency- Project is build with MongoDB, Express, ReactJS. Key features : 1. List the contacts. 2. Pagination of contacts List. 3. can change page size 4. Filter based on Status 5. Create a new Contact 6. Update a contact 7. delete a contact 8. validation of contact details. How to Run This application is seperated in two parts Server and ui open the terminal/CMD - Step 1. move to server folder (cd ./server) Please install the node module in 'server' directory Step 2. run npm install Step 3. npm start (you will get ) `server is running at port 9000 db Connected` once you got this on console open your browser and hit 'http://localhost:9000/' I have added the build out put of UI thus not needed to create it. However if needed to build please follow the following. Step 1. move to ui Sub directory (cd ./ui) Step 2. npm install Step 3. npm run build