
This is a very basic port of the built-in Avisynth filter Tweak. Internally, it uses std.Lut and std.Expr to carry out the adjustments.


  • No dithering whatsoever.
  • Parameters "sse", "startHue", "endHue", "maxSat", "minSat", "interp", and "dither" don't exist.
  • 8..16 bit integer and 32 bit float sample types are supported.


Drop someplace where Python can find it, then use import adjust in your scripts.

adjust.Tweak(clip clip[, float hue=0.0, float sat=1.0, float bright=0.0, float cont=1.0, bint coring=True])


  • hue

    Adjust the hue. Positive values shift it towards red, while negative values shift it towards green.

    Range: -180.0 .. 180.0

  • sat

    Adjust the saturation. Values above 1.0 increase it, while values below 1.0 decrease it. 0.0 removes all colour.

    Range: 0.0 .. 10.0

  • bright

    Adjust the brightness. This value is directly added to each luma pixel.

  • cont:

    Adjust the contrast. Values above 1.0 increase it, while values below 1.0 decrease it.

    Range: 0.0 .. 10.0
