ASTDR is a derainbow function for VapourSynth. ASTDRmc performs motion compensation before calling ASTDR.
This is a port of the Avisynth function of the same name, version 1.74.
ASTDR(input_clip[, strength=5, tempsoftth=30, tempsoftrad=3, tempsoftsc=3, blstr, tht=255, fluxstv, dcn=15, edgem=False, exmc=False, edgemprefil=None, separated=False])
- Parameters:
- input_clip
A clip to process.
- strength
Passed to Hqdn3d's chrom_spac and chrom_tmp parameters.
Default: 5.
- tempsoftth
Passed to TemporalSoften2's chroma_threshold parameter.
Default: 30.
- tempsoftrad
Passed to TemporalSoften2's radius parameter.
Default: 3.
- tempsoftsc
Passed to TemporalSoften2's scenechange parameter.
Default: 3.
- blstr
Blurring strength.
Default: 0.3 if separated is True, otherwise 0.5.
- tht
Passed to MotionMask's tht parameter.
Default: 255.
- fluxstv
Passed to flux.SmoothST's temporal_threshold and spatial_threshold parameters.
Default: 60 if separated is True, otherwise 75.
- dcn
Passed to DeCross's noise parameter.
Default: 15.
- edgem
If True, only edges detected in the luma will be filtered.
Default: False.
- exmc
Set to True if using external motion compensation, i.e. if input_clip came from std.Interleave([forward_compensated, original, backward_compensated]) or something similar.
Default: False.
- edgemprefil
Pre-filtered clip for edge detection. Used only if edgem is True.
Default: None.
- separated
Set to True if input_clip came from std.SeparateFields.
Default: False.
ASTDRmc(input_clip[, strength, tempsoftth, tempsoftrad, tempsoftsc, blstr, tht, fluxstv, dcn, edgem, thsad=tht, prefil=None, chroma=False, edgemprefil, separated=False])
- Most parameters are the same as ASTDR's. The differences are documented below:
- tempsoftth
Passed to TemporalSoften2's chroma_threshold parameter.
Default: 50 if separated is True, otherwise 30.
- tempsoftrad
Passed to TemporalSoften2's radius parameter. It can be at most 5.
Default: 5 if separated is True, otherwise 3.
- edgem
If True, only edges detected in the luma will be filtered.
Default: separated.
- thsad
Passed to mv.Compensate.
Default: tht.
- prefil
Input clip prefiltered for better motion estimation.
Default: None.
- chroma
Passed to mv.Analyse.
Default: False.
- motion_vectors
A list of clips obtained by calling mv.Analyse or mv.Recalculate.
With this parameter one can reuse the motion vectors from other motion-compensated filtering.
The clips created with isb=False must appear first, sorted by delta in descending order. Then the clips created with isb=True, sorted by delta in ascending order.
If this parameter is not used, the motion vectors will be created internally.
Default: None.
- ASTDR function requirements:
- ASTDRmc function requirements:
- ASTDR function
- MVTools
- RGVS (included with VapourSynth)