
Motion compensation and stuff

Primary LanguageC


MVTools is a set of filters for motion estimation and compensation.

This is a port of version of the Avisynth plugin.

Some changes from version of the SVP fork have been incorporated as well (http://www.svp-team.com/wiki/Download).

The filter DepanEstimate was ported from the Avisynth plugin DepanEstimate, version 1.10.

The filters DepanCompensate and DepanStabilise were ported from the Avisynth plugin Depan, version 1.13.1.


  • All:
    • Free multithreading, courtesy of VapourSynth.
    • Parameters are all lowercase now.
    • YUY2 is not supported.
    • Grayscale, 4:2:0, 4:2:2, 4:4:0, and 4:4:4 are supported, except for DepanCompensate and DepanStabilise, which don't support 4:4:0.
    • Up to 16 bits per sample are supported.
    • The audio is definitely not killed.
    • No "planar" parameter.
    • "isse" parameter renamed to "opt".
  • Analyse:
    • No "temporal" parameter, as it's sort of incompatible with multithreading.
    • No "outfile" parameter.
    • No "sadx264" parameter. If opt is True, the best functions imported from x264 will be selected automatically. Otherwise, only C functions will be used.
    • New parameters "fields" and "tff".
    • The optimised SAD, SATD, and SSD functions from x264 have been updated to the latest versions (as of September 2014).
    • Block sizes of 64x32, 64x64, 128x64, and 128x128 are supported.
    • The "dct" parameter can be 5..10 even with blocks larger than 16x16.
  • Recalculate:
    • Same as Analyse.
  • Compensate:
    • No "recursion" parameter. It was dodgy.
    • New parameter "tff".
  • Flow
    • New parameter "tff".
  • SCDetection:
    • No "ysc" parameter. The input frames are returned unchanged, with the _SceneChangePrev or _SceneChangeNext property attached.
    • No "isse" parameter. It wasn't used.
  • DepanAnalyse:
    • Formerly "MDepan".
    • New parameters "fields" and "tff".
    • No "log", "range", "isse" parameters.
  • DepanEstimate:
    • New parameters "fields" and "tff".
    • No "range", "log", "debug", "extlog" parameters.
  • DepanCompensate:
    • Formerly "DePan".
    • No "inputlog" parameter.
  • DepanStabilise:
    • Formerly "DePanStabilize".
    • No "inputlog" parameter.
    • Methods -1 and 2 unavailable.


mv.Super(clip clip[, int hpad=16, int vpad=16, int pel=2, int levels=0, bint chroma=True, int sharp=2, int rfilter=2, clip pelclip=None, bint opt=True])

mv.Analyse(clip super[, int blksize=8, int blksizev=blksize, int levels=0, int search=4, int searchparam=2, int pelsearch=0, bint isb=False, int lambda, bint chroma=True, int delta=1, bint truemotion=True, int lsad, int plevel, int global, int pnew, int pzero=pnew, int pglobal=0, int overlap=0, int overlapv=overlap, bint divide=False, int badsad=10000, int badrange=24, bint opt=True, bint meander=True, bint trymany=False, bint fields=False, bint tff, int search_coarse=3, int dct=0])

mv.Recalculate(clip super, clip vectors[, int blksize=8, int blksizev=blksize, int search=4, int searchparam=2, int lambda, bint chroma=True, bint truemotion=True, int pnew, int overlap=0, int overlapv=overlap, bint divide=False, bint opt=True, bint meander=True, bint fields=False, bint tff, int dct=0])

mv.Compensate(clip clip, clip super, clip vectors[, int scbehavior=1, int thsad=10000, bint fields=False, float time=100.0, int thscd1=400, int thscd2=130, bint opt=True, bint tff])

mv.Degrain1(clip clip, clip super, clip mvbw, clip mvfw[, int thsad=400, int thsadc=thsad, int plane=4, int limit=255, int limitc=limit, int thscd1=400, int thscd2=130, bint opt=True])

mv.Degrain2(clip clip, clip super, clip mvbw, clip mvfw, clip mvbw2, clip mvfw2[, int thsad=400, int thsadc=thsad, int plane=4, int limit=255, int limitc=limit, int thscd1=400, int thscd2=130, bint opt=True])

mv.Degrain3(clip clip, clip super, clip mvbw, clip mvfw, clip mvbw2, clip mvfw2, clip mvbw3, clip mvfw3[, int thsad=400, int thsadc=thsad, int plane=4, int limit=255, int limitc=limit, int thscd1=400, int thscd2=130, bint opt=True])

mv.Mask(clip clip, clip vectors[, float ml=100.0, float gamma=1.0, int kind=0, float time=100.0, int ysc=0, int thscd1=400, int thscd2=130, bint opt=True])

mv.Finest(clip super[, bint opt=True])

mv.Flow(clip clip, clip super, clip vectors[, float time=100.0, int mode=0, bint fields=False, int thscd1=400, int thscd2=130, bint opt=True, bint tff])

mv.FlowBlur(clip clip, clip super, clip mvbw, clip mvfw[, float blur=50.0, int prec=1, int thscd1=400, int thscd2=130, bint opt=True])

mv.FlowInter(clip clip, clip super, clip mvbw, clip mvfw[, float time=50.0, float ml=100.0, bint blend=True, int thscd1=400, int thscd2=130, bint opt=True])

mv.FlowFPS(clip clip, clip super, clip mvbw, clip mvfw[, int num=25, int den=1, int mask=2, float ml=100.0, bint blend=True, int thscd1=400, int thscd2=130, bint opt=True])

mv.BlockFPS(clip clip, clip super, clip mvbw, clip mvfw[, int num=25, int den=1, int mode=3, float ml=100.0, bint blend=True, int thscd1=400, int thscd2=130, bint opt=True])

mv.SCDetection(clip clip, clip vectors[, int thscd1=400, int thscd2=130])

mv.DepanAnalyse(clip clip, clip vectors[, clip mask, bint zoom=True, bint rot=True, float pixaspect=1.0, float error=15.0, bint info=False, float wrong=10.0, float zerow=0.05, int thscd1=400, int thscd2=130, bint fields=False, bint tff])

mv.DepanEstimate(clip clip[, float trust=4.0, int winx=0, int winy=0, int wleft=-1, int wtop=-1, int dxmax=-1, int dymax=-1, float zoommax=1.0, float stab=1.0, float pixaspect=1.0, bint info=False, bint show=False, bint fields=False, bint tff])

mv.DepanCompensate(clip clip, clip data[, float offset=0.0, int subpixel=2, float pixaspect=1.0, bint matchfields=True, int mirror=0, int blur=0, bint info=False, bint fields=False, bint tff])

mv.DepanStabilise(clip clip, clip data[, float cutoff=1.0, float damping=0.9, float initzoom=1.0, bint addzoom=False, int prev=0, int next=0, int mirror=0, int blur=0, float dxmax=60.0, float dymax=30.0, float zoommax=1.05, float rotmax=1.0, int subpixel=2, float pixaspect=1.0, int fitlast=0, float tzoom=3.0, bint info=False, int method=0, bint fields=False])

If fields is True, it is assumed that the clip named clip first went through std.SeparateFields.

For information about the other parameters, consult the Avisynth plugins' documentation at http://avisynth.org.ru/mvtools/mvtools2.html or http://www.avisynth.nl/users/fizick/depan/depan.html. This will not be necessary in the future.


FFTW3 configured for 32 bit floats is required ("fftw3f").

meson setup build
ninja -C build


GPL 2, like the Avisynth plugins.