
Afp/timemachine container for amd64, arm/64, arm/v7, arm/v6 (based on debian:buster-slim)

Primary LanguageCUEMIT LicenseMIT

<!> TENTATIVELY DEPRECATED in favor of https://github.com/dubo-dubon-duponey/samba <!>


A docker image for Apple Filing Protocol file sharing, Tracker (search/spotlight integration), and mDNS server for service discovery.

Specifically useful as a Time Machine server.

Future development will focus on Samba / vfs_fruit instead. https://www.reddit.com/r/homelab/comments/83vkaz/howto_make_time_machine_backups_on_a_samba/

Image features

  • multi-architecture:
    • linux/amd64
    • linux/386
    • linux/arm64
    • linux/arm/v7
    • linux/arm/v6
    • linux/ppc64le
    • linux/s390x
  • hardened:
    • image runs read-only
    • image runs with the following capabilities:
      • CHOWN
      • FOWNER
      • SETUID
      • SETGID
    • process runs as a non-root user, disabled login, no shell
      • the entrypoint script still runs as root before dropping privileges (due to avahi-daemon)
  • lightweight
    • based on our slim Debian Bullseye
    • simple entrypoint script
    • multi-stage build with no installed dependencies for the runtime image:
      • dbus
      • avahi-daemon
      • netatalk
  • observable
    • healthcheck
    • log to stdout
    • prometheus endpoint


docker run -d --rm \
    --name "netatalk" \
    --env "NAME=Super Name For Your AFP Server" \
    --env USERS="$(id -un) someone" \
    --env PASSWORDS="secret alsosecret" \
    --volume [host_path]:/media/home \
    --volume [host_path]:/media/share \
    --volume [host_path]:/media/timemachine \
    --net host \
    --cap-drop ALL \
    --cap-add NET_BIND_SERVICE \
    --cap-add CHOWN \
    --cap-add FOWNER \
    --cap-add SETUID \
    --cap-add SETGID \
    --cap-add DAC_OVERRIDE \
    --read-only \



You need to run this in host or mac(or ip)vlan networking (because of mDNS).


An extra environment variable (AVAHI_NAME) allows you to specify a different name for the avahi workstation. If left unspecified, it will fallback to the value of NAME.

You may specify as many users/passwords as you want (space separated).

Home directories are accessible only by the corresponding user.

share is accessible by all users.

timemachine is accessible by all users as well (hint: backups SHOULD then be encrypted by their respective owners).

Guest access does not work currently, and is disabled.

Advanced configuration

Would you need to, you may optionally pass along:

  • --volume [host_path]/afp.conf:/etc/afp.conf
  • --volume [host_path]/avahi-daemon.conf:/etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf

Also, any additional arguments when running the image will get fed to the netatalk binary.
