
Simple Excel / Json generator for SQL databases, based on EpPlus library - https://github.com/JanKallman/EPPlus

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Simple Excel / Json generator for SQL databases, based on EpPlus library - https://github.com/JanKallman/EPPlus


.Net 4.5.1

for Oracle DB: Oci Client or Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET)

Supported databases ( tested mainly with Oracle and PgSql ) :

  • Oracle providerName="System.Data.OracleClient" https://github.com/ericmend/oracleClientCore-2.0 providerName="Mono.Data.OracleClientCore"
  • MSSQL providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"
  • SqLite providerName="System.Data.SQLite"
  • MySQL providerName="MySql.Data"
  • PgSql providerName="Npgsql"

Usage - simple

XLSX output

 EpSqlGen.exe  AuthorFilms.sql			

JSON output

 EpSqlGen.exe AuthorFilms.sql -j

JSON output to console

 EpSqlGen.exe AuthorFilms.sql -j


  EpSqlGen.exe -h

Directory settings for simple usage

Don't forget set definitions/outputs directory in app config to your path. But you can set full path to config or output file in cmd line too

    <add key="DefinitionsDir" value="c:\work\EpSqlGenCore\definitions"/>
    <add key="OutputsDir" value="c:\work\EpSqlGenCore\outputs"/>

Usage -advanced

sql definition file for simple one tab XLSX output (portable/Win exe sample)

EpSqlGen.exe MySqlQuery.sql -oMyOutputFileName -a:MyArgument1:Argument1Type:Argumet1value -a:MyArgument2:Argument2Type:Argumet2value

json definition file for complex XLSX output with more tabs

EpSqlGen.exe MyJsonDefinition.json -oMyOutputFileName -a:MyArgument1:Argument1Type:Argumet1value -aMyArgument2:Argument2Type:Argumet2value

Sample-sql def to XLSX

EpSqlGen.exe MySqlQuerry.sql -oMyOutputfile  -dt -a:Statuses:array:'P9','K9','O9' -a:Ids:array:31,32,3 -a:Produkt:string:UO -a:Od:date:4.2.2015 -a:Zmluva:number:505115

Sample-json def to XLSX

EpSqlGen.exe Test.json -oMyOutputfile -do -a:Stavy:array:'P9','K9','O9' -a:Ids:array:31,32,3 -a:Produkt:string:UO -a:Od:date:4.2.2015 -a:Contract:integer :505115

Sample-sql def to JSON

EpSqlGen.exe MySqlQuerry.sql -oMyOutputfile -j -a:Stavy:array:'P9','K9','O9' -a:Ids:array:31,32,3 -a:Produkt:string:UO -a:Od:date:4.2.2015 -a:Contract:integer:505115

Supported arguments types
string || char || varchar2 || varchar || date || integer || decimal || number || array