Sparkplug cli decoder allow you to debug in command line a stream of messages received in the standard input in hexadecimal format. Currently only tested with mosquitto_sub
usage: sparkplugclidecoder [<flags>]
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-s, --sep="" adds a separator between messages: <newline>sep<newline>
-f, --format="prototext" Output format: prototext, protojson
-t, --maxBufferSize=65536 size of the buffer
Tells mosquitto_sub to write the sparkplug message as hexadecimal string so sparkplugclidecoder reads from it and prints the decoded in prototext
> mosquitto_sub -L mqtt://localhost:1883/testtopic/# -F %x | sparkplugclidecoder
timestamp: 1621956521303
metrics: {
name: "Device Control/Scan Rate ms"
timestamp: 1621956521303
datatype: 3
int_value: 6000
seq: 165
go install