
control vlc with commands specified in a file e.g skip, change volume

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


This is a VLC controller. It reads commands from a yaml file that has the same name as the currently playing video file and is stored in the same directory. Communication happens through vlc http interface which you need to enable.

3 commands are currently supported which are skip, mute and set_volume.

Commands file Example

# videoplayback.yml

- action: skip
  start: '04:40'
  end: '05:12'

- action: mute
  start: '07:30'
  end: '07:32'
- action: set_volume
  # note that percent sign should be used for 0-200 scale
  # otherwise it will be in the scale 0-512
  amount: '20%'
  at: '10:00'


If you are a windows user, then you can download the binary from releases page, otherwise you need to build it from source.

Building from source

You will need rust 1.39 or later. To compile run cargo build --release.


vlc-controller 0.1.2
ducaale <sharaf.13@hotmail.com>

    vlc-controller.exe [OPTIONS] --password <password>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --http-host <http-host>    vlc http intf address [default: localhost]
        --http-port <http-port>    vlc http intf port [default: 8080]
    -p, --password <password>      vlc http intf password

