KSP plugin for texture replacement, Kerbal personalisation and reflections.
- BengtOldenburg (Oldb), Lower-Saxony, Germany
- Cacteye
- citizen13
- Cyd0n1aCydonis Heavy Industries (C.H.I), Ltd.
- Daveyt88Glen Cove, NY
- Drofseh
- Entropy-XuCloudHabitatSH
- EsotericAlgorithmLos Angeles, CA
- garyzipp
- gee1978
- Gesugao-san
- Griffin-III
- GrowflavorAloEnergia, LLC
- grungebuddy
- happy-monk
- indriApolloBE
- kevinbarbourMission Lane
- lunarboi
- MartinHarding
- mattbisLondon, United Kingdom
- Ninja5tyl3
- nodakamakadonSydney, Australia
- RealGrepOttawa, Canada
- RealKolago
- reesewilson
- spigotUS
- SQMahGoogle
- SuprcheeseIdaho, USA
- Technologicat
- TedThompsonUnited States
- TyxzGermany
- user23333
- VeezyLife
- vghfrUnited States of America
- vinicentusHelsinki, Finland
- wokowaJapan