
generate my blog

Primary LanguageC


qwkgen is a mkfile cobbled together with some templates and 9base utilities to generate my blog.

The program is not configurable. However, the mkfile and the template engine are simple enough to maintain a personal fork.

werc's template.awk is used as the template language. A fork of libsoldout is used as the markdown engine. It is able to render math to inlined base64 png using the bin/latex2png script.


  • A C compiler to build libsoldout.
  • The 9base package or plan9port for mk and rc. (I never tried to run this in Plan 9 itself.)
  • For math, a form of latex, dvipng and optipng.


Clone with git clone --recursive.

mk gets the ball rolling. The default output directory is _site/.

Place posts in lib/*.md with a date prefix in YYYY-MM-DD format. An example is 2016-10-10-the_perils_of_being_a_horse.md.

Tweak the mkfile and the templates to your interest.