A simple mail administration-interface for web and command-line.
To get started (development):
Install bundler: ‘gem install bundler`.
Install nodejs or un-comment ‘therubyracer’ in ‘Gemfile’.
Install dependencies of madmin via bundler: ‘bundle install`.
Review/change ‘config/database.yml’ if you wish.
Setup database: ‘bundle exec rake db:setup`.
Change the secret in ‘config/initializers/secret_token.rb’.
Start the server: ‘bundle exec rails server`.
Point your browser to <localhost:3000/>, login as ‘postmaster@example.org’ using the password ‘morepasta!’.
Test, hack, break, report bugs (via <github.com/duckdalbe/madmin/>, please).
To run continously (production):
Install bundler: ‘gem install bundler`.
Install dependencies of madmin via bundler: ‘bundle install`.
In ‘config/database.yml’ change the ‘production’-section.
Setup database: ‘RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:setup`.
Change the secret in ‘config/initializers/secret_token.rb’.
Configure the httpd (e.g. Apache, nginx, …) to serve madmin, e.g. with Pushion Passenger (“mod_rails”).
Point your browser to <$yourhost/>, login as ‘postmaster@example.org’ using the password ‘morepasta!’, create your domains and users, then delete domain ‘example.org’.
Test/benchmark bin/*
Research if using Devise would save effort.
Fail authentication if any two of (hash(user-agent), hash(username), ip) appeared in more than two failed login-attempts within the last hour. (Model FailedLogin that gets a new record on every failed login attempt.)
Mass-create and group schleuder-aliases.
Integrate un/subscription to mailman-list (via mail?).
Also see ‘rake notes`.
Please use the issue-tracker at <github.com/duckdalbe/madmin/> or <madmin@duckdalbe.org>.
GPLv3 <www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
TODO: embed legal text here.