DuckDB in DBeaver (JDBC) doesn't show information_schema tables/views
Opened this issue · 11 comments
Hi Folks!
As pathfinding for a future blog post, I got DBeaver set up with DuckDB. It is super slick - it took like 2 minutes. I think it will make a create "speed run" little tutorial video.
One small gap is that while DBeaver shows the information_schema, it does not have the tables, views, or functions populated. I think those could come in handy for folks when they want to explore their DB's metadata and could make for a nice initial/demo experience as well.
This shows that the tables and views sections are empty (with no drilldown arrow next to them) for the metadata schemas.
Are views shown in general? The information_schema/pg_catalog schemas only contain views, so perhaps the problem is with that.
Is this using the JDBC connector, or another connector?
Yes, views can be shown, I just didn't create one in my example - sorry!
It's using the JDBC connector
@Alex-Monahan can you check if this is still the case?
@Alex-Monahan can you check if this is still the case?
I'll have a look!
Unfortunately I still see the same behavior. I updated to the latest DBeaver and to the 0.5.1 driver. I tested with both an in memory DB, a file based one that I created in DBeaver, and a file based one that I created on the CLI (0.5.1). Do you want for me to test with a dev driver? Where can I find one? I didn't see it in Github actions after poking around for a little while...
A random thought - is it possible that DBeaver should be showing a "Functions" category in addition to tables, views, procedures, etc.? Could that be where all our information_schema content is hiding?
Also, when I tested the connection in DBeaver, it would hold the connection open and prevent me from using the database until I closed and reopened DBeaver. Do you think that's an issue on our side, or should I file a bug on the DBeaver side for them to close the connection correctly/differently after the test connection?
I think I'm having the same issue. I installed the DuckDB CLI and created a table with a couple of rows. I then installed DBeaver and was able to connect to DuckDB very easily but the table I made in the CLI is not showing up anywhere in DBeaver.
Looks like I am having the same issue. Anyone know how to resolve this issue?
@jalvarezcabada please open a separate issue about DataGrip-related problems.
As shown in #74, DBeaver now displays DuckDB tables correctly.
As shown in #74, DBeaver now displays DuckDB tables correctly.
Hello @szarnyasg
The initial issue was about information_schema tables/views. Not about the custom tables.
The issue is still here, and I want to know how we can fix it.
I think those could come in handy for folks when they want to explore their DB's metadata
Because I am one of these people :D
Please reopen this issue.