
🕸 A basic golang crawler, written as a code test for Monzo Bank.

Primary LanguageGoThe UnlicenseUnlicense


creepycrawler is a simple, concurrent web scraper and mapper, written in Go.

It is not special or significant in any way.

It's also the second thing I've ever written in Go, so a little slack would be appreciated! 🙏

Considerations which have not been implemented, but are arguably out of scope for this assignment:

  • robots.txt testing (don't scrape things which we aren't allowed to)
  • Display of a proper "web" of relations
    • this is stored and can be easily calculated, but without writing a load of boilerplate code for making fancy webs, the tree will have to do (it prints a note next to back references)
  • Better logging / the ability to turn logging off
    • Right now it's super verbose so you can see what's happening, but I would probably switch to using something like github.com/sirupsen/logrus to add definable loglevels.

Package versions are pinned using go dep.

Stack Design

I've written the stack like this:

  1. Command comes in through cmd/creepycrawler/main.go
  2. cmd calls crawl.WalkTarget with the target URL
  3. crawl.WalkTarget pulls the target URL into a HtmlPage struct, parses it, and fills it out
  • Any links on the page are checked against a central truth store (to avoid branch duplication)
  • This truth store is a simple map accessible only via a read and write channel (controlled by a single worker goroutine)
  1. crawl.WalkTarget then calls HtmlPage.recurse()
  2. For every link in HtmlPage, recurse() starts a new goroutine
  • This goroutine runs the page scraper, then calls recurse() of its own
  • The idea being that each subpage gets its own goroutine worker, then each subpage of each subpage gets its own goroutine worker, etcetera
  • To ensure workers don't try to start recursing a page already belonging to another worker, a mutex is used on HtmlPage
  1. Once each worker has finished, it returns a Completed boolean message on a channel back to its owning worker, then exits
  • A recurse() func only returns once all of its launched subworkers have returned Completed messages
  1. crawl.WalkTarget returns a completed HtmlPage containing a web of pointers to other HtmlPages.
  • Loops are possible if you just keep recursing down HtmlPage.LinksTo
  1. cmd then calls the displayTree package in order to get a human-readable tree, which is calculated with the help of github.com/disiqueira/gotree
  • Some funky deduplication / recursion checking goes on inside displayTree to avoid infinite loops / make it clear which sublinks are links to other, already found pages
  1. cmd prints the result of displayTree to console

Usage Instructions 🤔

A makefile is included to make this as simple as possible. To run:

  1. Move everything here to $GOROOT/src/github.com/luaduck/creepycrawler
  2. Install dependencies: make dep
  • You need dep installed to do this. If it's not available for whatever reason, go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
  1. (optionally) Run tests: make test
  2. Build the app: make build
  • This drops a binary at ./creepycrawler
  1. Run the crawler: ./creepycrawler
  • The syntax is as follows: ./creepycrawler [OPTIONS] domain
  • The option -show-backrefs will show entries in the tree which refer to a page whose tree has already been displayed, such as those further back down the stack (e.g a subpage referring back to root): turning this off will purely show a list of all domains, along with the depth at which they were first discovered
  • domain should be defined in full RFC1738 format. If a scheme isn't provided, it will default to https.

License ⚖️

creepycrawler is licensed under the Unlicense. Please see LICENSE for more information.