Here should be some fancy logo
Kotlin/Java library and cli tool which allows scraping and downloading posts, attachments, other meta from more than 10 sources without any authorization or full page rendering. Based on jsoup, jackson and kotlin-coroutines.
Repository contains:
Current list of implemented sources:
- Youtube
- TikTok
- Telegram
- Twitch
- 9GAG
- Flickr
- Tumblr
- Vimeo
- IFunny
- Coub
- VK
- Odnoklassniki
- Pikabu
Unfortunately, each web-site is subject to change without any notice, so the tool may work incorrectly because of that. If that happens, please let me know via an issue.
Cli tool allows to:
- download media with flag
from almost all presented sources. - scrape posts meta information
- Java: 1.8 +
- Maven (optional)
Build tool
./mvnw clean package -DskipTests=true
./skraper --help
usage: [-h] PROVIDER PATH [-n LIMIT] [-t TYPE] [-o OUTPUT] [-m]
[--parallel-downloads PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n LIMIT, --limit LIMIT posts limit (50 by default)
-t TYPE, --type TYPE output type, options: [log, csv, json, xml, yaml]
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT output path
-m, --media-only scrape media only
--parallel-downloads PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS amount of parallel downloads for media items if
enabled flag --media-only (4 by default)
positional arguments:
PROVIDER skraper provider, options: facebook, instagram,
twitter, youtube, tiktok, telegram, twitch, reddit,
9gag, pinterest, flickr, tumblr, ifunny, vk, pikabu,
vimeo, odnoklassniki, coub
PATH path to user/community/channel/topic/trend
./skraper 9gag /hot
./skraper reddit /r/memes -n 5 -t csv -o ./reddit/posts
./skraper instagram /explore/tags/memes -t json
./skraper flickr /photos/harrythehawk -t yaml
./skraper pinterest /levato/meme -t xml
./skraper youtube /user/JetBrainsTV/videos --media-only -n 2
Gradle kotlin dsl:
As mentioned before, the provider implementation list is:
- FacebookSkraper
- InstagramSkraper
- TwitterSkraper
- YoutubeSkraper
- TikTokSkraper
- TelegramSkraper
- TwitchSkraper
- RedditSkraper
- NinegagSkraper
- PinterestSkraper
- FlickrSkraper
- TumblrSkraper
- VimeoSkraper
- IFunnySkraper
- CoubSkraper
- VkSkraper
- OdnoklassnikiSkraper
- PikabuSkraper
After that usage as simple as is:
val skraper = InstagramSkraper(client = OkHttpSkraperClient())
Important moment: it is highly recommended to not use DefaultBlockingSkraperClient . There are some more efficient, non-blocking and resource-friendly implementations for SkraperClient. To use them you just have to put required dependencies in the classpath.
Current http-client implementation list:
- DefaultBlockingClient: simple* blocking api implementation
- OkHttpSkraperClient: okhttp3 implementation
- SpringReactiveSkraperClient: spring-webflux client implementation
- KtorSkraperClient: ktor-client-jvm implementation
Each scraper is a class which implements Skraper interface:
interface Skraper {
val client: SkraperClient
fun getPosts(path: String): Flow<Post>
suspend fun getPageInfo(path: String): PageInfo?
fun supports(media: Media): Boolean
suspend fun resolve(media: Media): Media
Also, there are some provider-specific kotlin extensions for implementations. You can find them out at the provider implementation package.
Kotlin coroutines is a CPS implementation (aka callbacks).
Here is a quite good java side example of how to call kotlin suspend
functions from plain Java.
To scrape the latest posts for specific user, channel or trend use skraper like that:
suspend fun main() {
val skraper = FacebookSkraper()
val posts = skraper.getUserPosts(username = "memes").take(2).toList() // extension for getPosts()
// or
val postsDetected = Skrapers.getPosts(url = "") // aggregating singleton
Received data structure is similar to each other provider's. Output data example:
"id": "5029851093699104",
"text": "gotta love em!",
"publishedAt": 1580744400000,
"statistics": {
"likes": 79,
"comments": 3
"media": [
"url": "",
"aspectRatio": 0.864,
"duration": 10860.000000000
"id": "4990218157662398",
"text": "Interesting",
"publishedAt": 1580742000000,
"statistics": {
"likes": 3092,
"comments": 514
"media": [
"url": "",
"aspectRatio": 0.8960573476702509
You can see the full model structure for posts and others here
It is possible to scrape user/channel/trend info for some purposes:
suspend fun main() {
val skraper = TwitterSkraper()
val pageInfo = skraper.getUserInfo(username = "memes") // extension for `getPageInfo()`
// or
val pageInfoDetected = Skrapers.getPageInfo(url = "") // aggregating singleton
"nick": "memes",
"name": "",
"description": " is your number one website for the funniest content on the web. You will find funny pictures, funny memes and much more.",
"statistics": {
"posts": 10848,
"followers": 154718
"avatar": {
"url": ""
"cover": {
"url": ""
Sometimes you need to know direct media link:
suspend fun main() {
val skraper = InstagramSkraper()
val info = skraper.resolve(Video(url = ""))
val serializer = JsonMapper().writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter()
"url": "",
"aspectRatio": 0.8010012515644556,
"thumbnail": {
"url": "",
"aspectRatio": 0.8010012515644556
There is "static" method which allows to download any media from all known implemented sources:
suspend fun main() {
val tmpDir = Files.createTempDirectory("skraper").toFile()
val testVideo =
media = Video(""),
destDir = tmpDir,
filename = "Gandalf"
val testImage =
media = Image(""),
destDir = tmpDir,
filename = "Do_no_harm"
To use the bot follow the link.