Computer Architecture

Chap Name Notes
1 INTRO Chapter_1 @intro
2 COMP_ARITMETICS Chapter_2 @comp_arithmetic
3 DIGITAL_SYSTEMS Chapter_3 @digital_systems
4 BASIC_ARCHITECTURE Chapter_4 @basic_architecture
5 IO Chapter_5 @Input_Output
6 REGISTERS_ASSEMBLY_LANGUAGE Chapter_6 @registers_assembly_language
7 INTEL_PENTIUM Chapter_7 @intel_pentium
8 CACHE Chapter_8 @cache
9 PIPELINE Chapter_9 @pipeline
10 RISC_CISC_ARM Chapter_10 @risc_arm_processors
11 ADVANCED_ARCHITECTURES Chapter_11 @advanced_architectures

This notes are created with a focus on both summary + ease of understanding. However, this paradigm disagrees at times. Sometimes I favor understanding, other times for summary.

Past chapter 3, I have decided to focus on explanations + ease of understanding. If you find any concepts hard to understand, and wish for me to expand on, feel free to contact me/open a issue.

NOTE: These notes are meant to be exhaustive. As such, I frequently insert extra information that I find interesting/good to know, may not be in syllabus. As such, for quick references, it's recommended to curate your own notes that suit your preference.

Finally, all errors in this notes are but my own. I do not claim to be 100% accurate, as much as I try to be. If there are any errors or mistakes, please contact me or open a issue.