version 1.2.1, 05/2023
05/2023 v. 1.2.0 Added ability to turn lights back on when reconnecting
05/2023 v. 1.2.1 Changed logging method, so log lenght stays constant at pre-defined lenght (500 lines)
Bash script for automatically turning off the lights when all predifined IP-addresses have left WiFi on ASUSWRT Merlin and turn them back on when they reconnect.
- jq
- curl
- bash
- jffs userscripts enabled
To find out how to get your Hue API hash see For this to work you mast have static DHCP enabled for the IP addresses you want to use
- Configure this scripty by replacing the variables under User variables,
- Make sure you don't use a randomised MAC address on your device when connecting to your WiFi network.
- Make script executable (chmod +x ./hueoff) and run "hueoff install" from CLI OR:
- Place this script in /jffs/scripts/
- create this folder: /jffs/scripts//hueoff.d/logs
- add the following lines to /jffs/scripts/post-mount:
/jffs/scripts/hueoff &> /jffs/scripts/hueoff.d/logs/log.txt &
- To see the log run:
cat /jffs/scripts/hueoff.d/logs/log.txt
Hue control functions were adapted from Harald van der Laan's Philips Hue Bash script:
kallefornia 2023