
Bash script for automatically turning off the lights when all predifined IP-addresses have left WiFi on ASUSWRT Merlin

Primary LanguageShell


version 1.2.1, 05/2023


  • 05/2023 v. 1.2.0 Added ability to turn lights back on when reconnecting

  • 05/2023 v. 1.2.1 Changed logging method, so log lenght stays constant at pre-defined lenght (500 lines)


Bash script for automatically turning off the lights when all predifined IP-addresses have left WiFi on ASUSWRT Merlin and turn them back on when they reconnect.


  • jq
  • curl
  • bash
  • jffs userscripts enabled

To find out how to get your Hue API hash see https://developers.meethue.com/ For this to work you mast have static DHCP enabled for the IP addresses you want to use


  • Configure this scripty by replacing the variables under User variables,
  • Make sure you don't use a randomised MAC address on your device when connecting to your WiFi network.
  • Make script executable (chmod +x ./hueoff) and run "hueoff install" from CLI OR:
  • Place this script in /jffs/scripts/
  • create this folder: /jffs/scripts//hueoff.d/logs
  • add the following lines to /jffs/scripts/post-mount:
/jffs/scripts/hueoff &> /jffs/scripts/hueoff.d/logs/log.txt &
  • To see the log run:
cat /jffs/scripts/hueoff.d/logs/log.txt


Hue control functions were adapted from Harald van der Laan's Philips Hue Bash script: https://github.com/hvanderlaan/philips-hue

kallefornia 2023 https://github.com/duckwilliam/hueoff