
Emacs package for https://plan.cat

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


I recently found https://plan.cat/, which is an http-enabled fingerd server online. It’s pretty neat, and has a pretty simple “API” for updating your plan:

T=`mktemp` && curl -so $T https://plan.cat/~$user && $EDITOR $T && \
curl -su $user -F "plan=<$T" https://plan.cat/stdin

This package is a port of that “API” to elisp, basically.


  • plancat-host: the server to interface with.
  • plancat-user: your user name on plancat-host.
  • plancat-pass: your password on plancat-host. plancat also supports using auth-sources, which see.


plan.cat will fetch your current plan from plan.cat and insert it in a buffer for you to edit. Edit to your liking, then call plancat-send to post your new plan. If you decide not to post, call plancat-cancel to cancel the change of plans.


This package is licensed under the terms of the ISC.


Right now, plancat.el only posts new plans. It should be fairly trivial to set up a plan-browsing or other mode, though honestly those might be better served with eww.