
A Python API for nextbus.com

Primary LanguagePython


nextbus lets you access the location, time, and schedule of every bus listed on nextbus.com.


All objects in nextbus have their field names based on those returned by NextBus's XML API, with camelCase replace by under_scores.

import nextbus

# get San Francisco MUNI
agency = [a for a in agencies() if a.tag == 'sf-muni'].pop()
agency.title        # 'San Francisco Muni'

# get N line
route = [r for r in agency.routes if r.tag == 'N'].pop()
route.title       # 'N-Judah'

# get stops along the inbound direction
inbound     = [d for d in route.directions if d.name == 'Inbound'].pop()
first_stop  = inbound.stops[0]
first_stop.title               # 'Judah St & La Playa St'
first_stop.lat, first_stop.lon # (37.7601699, -122.50878)

# what time does the first inbound N bus leave?
schedule = [s for s in route.schedule if s.direction == 'Inbound'].pop()
schedule.stops[0].time   # datetime.time(5, 8)

# where are all inbound buses right now?
locations = [(b.lat, b.lon) for b in route.vehicle_locations
             if b.direction == inbound.tag]