
Blog built on Jekyll and Pandoc

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Jekyll for Scientists

Jekyll does a pretty good job getting your blog up and running, but its default
settings aren't so great for scientists (LaTeX, anyone?). This project contains
a skeleton of my blog with everything you need to get Jekyll running with
MathJAX (Javascript LaTeX interpreter), LightBox2 (pretty modals for images),
and Twitter Bootstrap.


1) install pandoc, a markdown converter that works with LaTeX

    $ sudo port install pandoc

At time of writing this fails to install, so go to
http://code.google.com/p/pandoc/downloads/list and download a working solution.

2) install ruby dependencies

    $ gem install jekyll pandoc-ruby

3) start up a local server

    $ jekyll --server --auto

4) open up a browser

    $ open locahost:4000