
A Python Dependency Injection Framework

Primary LanguagePython


Vaccine is a tiny dependency injection framework for Python.


At Vaccine's core is an instance of vaccine.Vaccine. Think of Vaccine as a dict that automatically builds things for you as necessary. Begin by instantiating a single, global instance of Vaccine

i = Vaccine()

Next, register classes and functions as requiring and providing dependencies with Vaccine.requires and Vaccine.provides (make sure provides appears before requires!).

class SomeServiceInterface(object):

# register this class as providing for some interface and requiring some
# dependencies (this time, keyed on strings)
@i.provides(SomeServiceInterface)                   # you can uses interfaces as keys...
@i.requires(host="HOST", credentials="CREDENTIALS") # or just strings
class SomeService(SomeServiceInterface):

  def __init__(self, host, credentials):
    print '<SomeService>'
    self.host = host
    self.credentials =  credentials

  def hello_world(self):
    print "Logging into: {}".format(self.host)
    print "Username: {}".format(self.credentials['user'])
    print "Password: {}".format(self.credentials['password'])

# In addition to classes, you can also annotate functions with `provides` and
# `requires`.
def credentials():
  print '<credentials>'
  import os
  return {"user": os.environ["USER"], "password": "XXXX"}

# rather than registering a providing function/class that provide for a key,
# you can register already-instantiated values directly.
i.register("HOST", "localhost")

Finally, use Vaccine.get(key) to retrieve already-built dependencies. Each key will only be called once.

# manually retrieving an instantiation is as sample as calling `get`. All
# dependencies will be handled automatically.
service = i.get(SomeServiceInterface)

# keys are only instantiated once
service2 = i.get(SomeServiceInterface)
service is service2   # True