
A Simple Chat room using golang and websocket

Primary LanguageGo


This golang chat application is built with help of websocket.


Websocket protocol is bidirectional and extensively matches for building a chat room. In chatroom apps, we need to open an interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server for bidirectional communication of messages. These days most of the popular browsers support websocket , so its best to use websocket.

Gorilla Websocket

In this example i am using gorilla websocket lib Instead of using native golang.org/x/net. When i was searching about websockets in golang, this seems to be popular.

golang Channels

Channels are popular in golang for sharing data. In the golang training i took, the trainer was quoting Don't communicate by sharing memory, share memory by communicating. from https://blog.golang.org/share-memory-by-communicating . So Channels are used to share data between different go routines in this example.

Organisation of files

File name Description
main.go This is startup file. The init() , which by defualt gets called first before main() initializes the necessary configuration such as the server host,port and log files . The main() creates a chat.NewServer type and starts a go routine to listen on the server. Apart from it, the main() also create a webserver and route handler to load the inital page of the application
server.go The server file has Server struct defined with essential fields. The Server glues everything together. server.go has different functions defined for perfoming activities in a chat room such as
  • Adding a user to chatroom
  • Removing a user from chat room
  • Brodcasting message to all users who are connected to the chat room
  • has the history of all the messages so far created
The Listen() is triggerd as a go routine from main(). The Listen() handles a separate http route /chat which is used by ws protocol for communicating with the server. The Listen() has an infinite for loop that has a select to match case for different channel operations
user.go The user.go is representation of a user. I have a struct defined called User which has the props for the user. NewUser gets created whenever a new websocket connection is established. There are two main functions here listenRead() and listenWrite() that helps in listening for new incoming and outgoing messages. listenWrite() is triggered as a separate go routine
message.go This is a simple struct that defines how a message look like
configuration.go This file helps in setting up the initial configuration of the system by reading the config.json
config.json All the configurable properties are set here
chat.html This is the only html file that defines how the chat app looks like and has JS code to send and recieve websocket frames and display them accordingly

Flow diagrams (made with https://www.draw.io and data in images/)

Adding new User to chat room Connected user message flow


This app is deployed to Heroku and can be accessed via https://gauri-golang-chat.herokuapp.com/


  • Using https://github.com/tools/godep for managing Dependencies.
  • Whenever new Dependencies are added / used, run godep save ./... . This will update Godeps/Godeps.json with new dependencies and copy the dependencies to vendor directory.

Rest Services

  • Get all the current messages from /getAllMessages