
A Clojure library for shrinking your data

Primary LanguageClojureOtherNOASSERTION


Minoro is a Clojure library for shrinking your data.


  • deps.edn: minoro {:mvn/version "2020-02-06"}
  • Leiningen: [minoro "2020-02-06"]


Given some data and a predicate you supply, minoro.core/shrink-with will returned a shrunk variant of the provided data.

Your predicate will be fed various permutations of the data you provide. The job of your predicate is to decide if you're happy with a given permutation by returning either true or false.

Let's say we'd like to shrink this map:

(def data
  {:a "#!%&%#$&# minoro #$%&/(%%!"
   :b "&/$#&%#%& rules! )+(/$!$&%"
   :c (range -10 10)
   :d #{:superfluous :values})

We're happy as long as :a contains "minoro", :b contains "rules!" and that the sum of positive numbers in :c is greater than, let's say 15.

Let's encode these predicates in a function called ok?:

(defn ok? [x]
  (and (->> x :a (re-find #"minoro"))
       (->> x :b (re-find #"rules!"))
       (->> x :c (filter pos?) (apply +) (< 15))))

Now, let's shrink data according to our predicates.

(require '[minoro.core :refer [shrink-with install!]])

(install!) ;; minoro doesn't shrink strings by default, let's install handlers for all supported data types

(shrink-with ok? data)

;; => {:a "minoro", :b "rules", :c (8 9)}

Great! That's pretty much the minimal dataset our predicate function is happy with.

Minoro ships with default implementations (a.k.a. factories) for shrinking Clojure vectors, maps, sets, strings and seqs. However, the implementation for shrinking strings is not enabled by default, and must be either install!ed explicitly or activated via the with-factories helper macro. Here's an example of the latter:

(require '[minoro.core :refer [shrink-with with-factories all-factories]])

(def ok? (partial re-find #"shrink me"))

(with-factories all-factories
  (shrink-with ok? "!%3&%#$&# shrink me #$%&/(%%!"))

;; => "shrink me"

In the previous example, Minoro generated 26 permutations before exhaustedly finding the smallest one. Your dataset is probably considerably larger, your predicate function possibly slower. If you're worried to be waiting years before shrink-with is finally providing a shrunk variation of your data, shrinkables-with provides you the means to control how many permutations to try.

shrinkables-with expects the same parameters as shrink-with. However, the result is a lazy sequence of all permutations sent to your predicate function. The elements in this lazy sequence are object implementing the minoro.protocols.IShrinkable protocol, wrapping the permutated value. The value function pulls the actual permutated value out of these object. The objects also contains a key named :minoro/ok?, designating to hold the boolean result of your predicate function for that permutation.

A few lines of code tells more than a thousand words. Let's dump the value of all permutation marked as successful via :minoro/ok?.

  (require '[minoro.core :refer [shrinkables-with value]])

  (defn ok? [numbers]
    (clojure.set/subset? #{1 5 15} (set numbers)))

  (->> (range 0 20)
       (shrinkables-with ok?)
       (filter :minoro/ok?)
       (map value))

  ;; => ((0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19)
  ;;     (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19)
  ;;     (1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19)
  ;;     (1 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19)
  ;;     (1 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19)
  ;;     (1 5 15 16 17 18 19)
  ;;     (1 5 15 17 18 19)
  ;;     (1 5 15))

As the result of shrinkable-with is lazy, you're free to pull permutations from this sequence until you're fed up waiting for Minoro to come up with an even more minimalistic version of your data.

A few words of caveat; be careful of using shrinkable-with in conjuction with the with-factories macro. with-factories sets up thread local bindings via Clojure's binding macro. Exceptions mights be thrown if you were to realize the sequence returned from shrinkables-with outside the scope of with-factories. Either realize the result inside the body of with-factories or install the factories via install!.


You can extend Minoro to work with any data type. This is accomplished by implementing protocols in the minoro.protocols namespace. Have a look at the minoro.impl namespace for examples on how Minoro implements these protocols for the basic Clojure data types.


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Copyright © 2020 Anders Furseth

BSD-3-Clause, see LICENSE