- Install go package, under Ubuntu :
sudo apt -y install golang
- Build the package
# tested with go version 1.13.8
# Might need to update when using 1.19 or 2.x version
# go version go1.13.8 linux/amd64
# Build the package
go build main.go
- Configure config.json
- Get SMTP server and its configuration for : host, port, username, password
- Edit the config_example.json and rename it config.json
- Create Cronjob to automatically fire the compiled program at x interval
Under the linux user account, as best practice.. Do Not Run this as root account!
crontab -e
Setup cron to fire every 10 minutes
*/10 * * * * /path/to/the/compiled/file
- Proper & configurable folder path for storing JSON files
- Daemonize the program
- Cache the exchange data
- Build against latest golang