
Work in the form of a research internship at TUM. Consists of benchmarking the inference of ML models on different hardware.

Primary LanguagePython

Usb Analysis

This project was part of a research internship at Technical University of Munich. The goal was to benchmark the inference of ML models by Google's Coral USB Accelerator. The comparison was done to regular CPU processing and contained an analysis of the USB protocol/traffic that occurs when delegating the inference of the test models onto the USB Accelerator.

This was done by scripting the automation, inference, measuring and usb traffic analysis with Python, the pyshark and the tensorflow libraries. A Wiki can be found here with a more in depth explanation of the project.



  • Docker
  • Wireshark / Pyshark
  • Coral USB Accelerator

Docker and Wireshark




Based on an Arch system.

sudo pacman -S docker wireshark wireshark-cli
sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl start docker.service --now


To enable the use of docker without sudo.

sudo usermod -aG docker <user>

Same for wireshark. Also gives it access to USB without the need for root priveleges.

sudo usermod -aG wireshark $USER

Docker Setup

Commands will not contain sudo, since the user has been added to the docker group.

Pull down the debian image.

docker pull debian

Create and run the debian docker. The priveleged flag will allow the docker to interact with the system's USB.

Recommended name is debian-docker as this is used within my scripts to interact with the docker. If one wishes a different name, just search (grep -r) for the single instance where 'debian-docker' is defined and change it.

docker run --name <docker_name> --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb -it -d debian
docker start <docker_name>
docker attach <docker_name>

Update packages and install/setup the bare essentials.

apt-get update
apt-get install vim sudo # Vim Long and Prosper

Theoretically, one could use the docker as root always, but I had encountered hiccups here and there when doing so. It could also well be due to my own mistakes, but using the docker with a user worked flawlessly.

adduser deb # The user is called deb (as in Debian.. lol)
    <create password>

usermod -aG sudo deb

passwd root
    <create password>

login deb
    <insert password>

Coral Setup

Install project-related packages and tools (The Meat and the Potatoes).

The Gnupg package may also not be needed, but Ive encountered issued without it.

sudo apt-get install gnupg curl git python3 python3-pip

Installing the coral edge tpu compiler and library. Please check here to confirm if installing these packages for Ubuntu/Debian has changed.

echo "deb https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt coral-edgetpu-stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/coral-edgetpu.list
curl https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | sudo apt-key add -

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libedgetpu1-std edgetpu-compiler

Docker Usage

1. docker start <docker_name>
2. docker attach <docker_name>
3. docker info
4. docker images
5. docker ps -a
  1. Starts docker.
  2. Attaches to it, meaning "ssh's" into the docker installation.
  3. Get general information of the dockers within the system.
  4. Displays docker images installed (Debian, Arch BTW, etc)
  5. Looks at the status of dockers within the systems, useful to visualize if docker has started/is stopped.

Coral Usage

Coral 'Hello World'


Look again here to ensure this is still the workflow for the Hello World for the Coral Edge TPU.

mkdir coral && cd coral
git clone https://github.com/google-coral/tflite.git
cd tflite/python/examples/classification
bash install_requirements.sh

sudo pip3 install Pillow
sudo pip3 install tensorflow
sudo apt-get install python3-pycoral


mkdir coral && cd coral
git clone https://github.com/google-coral/tflite.git
cd tflite/python/examples/classification
bash install_requirements.sh

sudo pip3 install Pillow
sudo pip3 install tensorflow
sudo apt-get install python3-pycoral

python3 classify_image.py \
--model models/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_inat_bird_quant_edgetpu.tflite \
--labels models/inat_bird_labels.txt \
--input images/parrot.jpg

Now wait and see :).

Coral Compilation

edgetpu_compiler [options] model...
edgetpu_compiler --help

    edgetpu_compiler -s path/to/model


Before use of it's GUI application, you have to run sudo modprobe usbmon to load the USB module onto the Kernel.

Python Virtual Environment

This is an attempt to summarize the python packages needed to interact/use the tools within this project. There is a requirements.txt text file in the folder requirements. There all the packages needed are listed with use of pip list > requirements.txt, provided you have activated the virtual environment. Theoretically one could install them either one by one or with pip install -r <path_to_requirements>.

That hasn't worked for me much, so I will go through the creation of what I believe is a working environment for this work.


Meta-packages. Their 'pip names' may be different. If I have forgotten something a corresponding error will be thrown during runtime, so please just add the missing package here.

pyshark     # Wireshark Python wrapper
ipython     # Optional for general interactive use
ipdb3       # Opitonal for debugging (Directly in Terminal, Feature-Rich and scriptable)


  1. git clone <this_repo>

  2. cd TensorDSE/benchmarking/usb_analysis

  3. mkdir venv

  4. python -m venv ./venv

    No need for conda, if not wished for. It will basically contain some IDE's, manages virtual environments for you and pre-installs some packages.


    Depending on the python version of your system it will create a virtual environment according to that version of python. This wouldn't be much of a problem, but in case you wish to work with Python 3.8, which was the case during my work, you would have to install it separately.

    On Arch this is done by running yay -S python38 (or any other AUR Helper). Once installed run the same command from 4, but substitute python with /usr/bin/python3.8 instead.

  5. source ./venv/bin/activate to 'enter' this virtual environment within the open terminal. Now everything you do here will be using the python version and packages within this virtual environment.

  6. pip install tensorflow tensorboard pillow numpy statistics scipy matplotlib ipython ipdb3


Project structure

Located at benchmarking/usb_analysis

├── analyze.py         (Executable)
├── cmpile.py          (Executable)
├── convert.py         (Executable)
├── deploy.py          (Executable)
├── docker.py          (Library)
├── models/            (Directory - Contains sub-folders with different models)
├── parse.py           (Not Implemented Fully - JSON Alternative to Python Helper Methods)
├── plot.py            (Executable)
├── results/           (Directory - Contains sub-folders with results from different stages)
├── schema/            (Directory - Contains schema.fbs)
└── utils.py           (Library)

Executable files mean that they can be called onto as a stand-alone script. Well all python scripts are by definition executable as they are interpreted directly by the python interpreter, but the idea here is to differentiate files that can be called on their own to files who serve as libraries of sorts to be imported by other scripts.

Each file/script name should indicate the general purpose of said file/script.