Asynchronous Value Iteration with OpenMP

An example of the use of asynchronous value iteration to find an optimal path between two points. A backend written in C++ is bridged with a Python API with help of the CFFI interface. The Python frontend reads the data stored as numpy arrays and passes it on to the C++ wrappers which compute the trajectory. Finally with the given trajectory, an image is plotted of the solution.

The C++ backend uses OpenMP to enable parallel execution in the code.


  • clean : cleans project
  • compile : compiles project
  • test : runs functional tests (needs to compile beforehand)


  • CMake: Build and Automation Tool
  • CFFI : C Foreign Function Interface, bridges C++ and Python
  • Pytest: Unit testing
  • Libraries
    • BLAS
    • LAPACK
    • OpenMP

Arch-based Systems

sudo pacman -S cmake openmpi lapack lapacke
pip install cffi pytest