
Git branch control rule:

1. development branch:

The development branch is used to assemble code during application development. Note, always pull the code from development to update the latest version to avoid config git error.

Move to your function branch

git checkout <your-function-branch>

Get latest version code from development branch

git pull origin development

2. create new function branch:

Name rule: feature/function-name

3. commit code:

Just commit your coding file to avoid config git error.

4. pull request:

Make sure the code is working and has updated to the latest version from development before making a pull request.

User manual

1. Requirements

-android studio(

Project Note

1. Next update if i continue to spend time on project

  • fix activity_start_exercise

  • update web service api call

2. Note for ftp students when they want to use

  • Instructor: KhangPQ3

  • Course: Mobile Programming(PRM392)

  • Project grades: 4.0/5.0

  • This project and git link are public to many lecturers at FPT. I am not responsible when you use this project to present to your instructor.