
Setting up pi hole on an orange pi zero 3


Setting up pi hole on an orange pi zero 3


  • know how to get on the admin page of your router
  • know how to unzip files
  • know the difference between website urls and shell commands

Get an OS on the board:

  • download debian from the official orange website: http://www.orangepi.org/
    • take note of exact type of board, including the RAM size.
    • verify download with powershell: Get-FileHash [FILENAME] -Algorithm SHA256
  • flash it on the SD card with "Balena Etcher": https://etcher.balena.io/
  • HARDWARE: connect the orange-pi to your router (ethernet) and give it power (usb-c)
    • you should see it show up in your routers admin page, take note of the ip adress
  • log into the device with powershell: ssh orangepi@ipadress
    • optional: change password with passwd

Install pihole on the device:

  • while logged into the device, command: curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash
  • end0 for wired connection (which i did), wlan0 for wireless connection
  • Upstream DNS provider:
    • I used my default DNS provider
      • in a new cmd window, type ipconfig /all, note the adresses under "DNS servers".
      • fill those in under the "custom dns" option of the pihole installation.

Configure router:

  • login, user rights seem enough
  • Give the orange pi a static IP:
    • Local Network > LAN > DHCP Binding
    • create a new binding, copy the MAC and IP adresses of the connected orangepi
  • Use the orange pi as DNS:
    • Local Network > LAN > DHCP Server
      • ISP DNS: Off
      • Primary DNS: ip adress of orangepi.
  • When the orangepi is disconnected, the ads come back; when it is reconnected, the ads go away