
Dự án nhóm cho phát triển ứng dụng Android, sử dụng Express, MongoDB, Restful API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

API for Android Music App

My first API project


This repo has several routes, some of them are being implemented and will be released soon.

  1. user
  2. track
  3. album
  4. playlist
  5. genre
  6. artist
  7. trending
  8. topic


Clone this repo.

git clone https://github.com/ducph1/music-app-api.git

cd to repo

cd music-app-api

Change value in .env file. Then run

npm install && npm start


  1. /auth
  2. /track
  3. /album
  4. /playlist
  5. /genre
  6. /artist
  7. /trending
  8. /topic