This is the express app that handles user-created diagrams from MyDraft app, which are exported into a JSON file in the following manner:
fileName: str,
diagram: [{
id: str,
index: number,
script: str, // `animation-text`
style: {
colorBackround: number,
size: str, // `width height`
image: [{
content: str, // `image-url`
diagram: str, // `diagram-id`
id: str,
style: {
keepAspectRatio: bool,
position: str, // `x-left y-top`
size: str, // `width height`
katex: [{
content: str, // `katex-code`
diagram: str, // `diagram-id`
id: str,
style: {
alignment: str // `left/center/right`
colorForeground: number,
fontSize: number,
position: str, // `x-left y-top`
size: str, // `width height`
shape: [TBD],
table: [TBD],
text: [{
content: str, // `text-content`
diagram: str, // `diagram-id`
id: str,
style: {
alignment: str // `left/center/right`
colorForeground: number,
fontSize: number,
position: str, // `x-left y-top`
size: str, // `width height`