
Integrant methods for compiling Sass into CSS

Primary LanguageClojure

Duct compiler.sass Build Status

Integrant methods for compiling Sass files to CSS in the Duct framework.


To install, add the following to your project :dependencies:

[duct/compiler.sass "0.3.0"]


The library provides the :duct.compiler/sass key, and is used to compile Sass files to CSS in development and production environments.

 {:source-paths  ["resources"]
  :include-paths ["node_modules"]
  :output-path   "target/resources"}}

The two mandatory options are :source-paths, which is a collection of directory paths that the compiler searches, and :output-path, which is where the compiler will put the CSS it generates.

The non-mandatory :include-paths option specify additional paths to lookup imported Sass files.

So if you have a file resources/public/main.scss, the compiler will create a file target/resources/public/main.css.

There are also options for setting the :indent, which by default is two spaces:

 {:source-paths ["resources"]
  :output-path  "target/resources"
  :indent       "\t"}}

And for setting the :output-style, which can be :nested (the default), :expanded, :compact or :compressed:

 {:source-paths ["resources"]
  :output-path  "target/resources"
  :output-style :compressed}}


Copyright © 2024 James Reeves

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.