
Simple Java library which helps to control virtual machines in cloud environments

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Simple library which helps to control virtual machines in cloud environments. It's aimed mainly to testing WildFly application server.

Name: Sunstone is a crystal that was supposedly used by Vikings to navigate in cloudy weather.

Build Status



Why yet another library?
Because clouds exist. And they are many! Moreover, everybody loves new libraries, of course.

The library is here to simplify test development for new clouds. One set of test can be reused for different kind of providers.


What does it bring to me?
One view to rule them all.

  • single Java API for all supported cloud providers
  • possibility to control WildFly nodes with Creaper
  • Arquillian test framework support


It's so cool. Now, show me the code!

Add the maven dependency to your project:


Define cloud configuration in my-cloud.properties property file:

# Cloud provider - an entrypoint to given cloud

# Node - a single virtual machine in the cloud 

Then use your favorite Java 8 to do the stuff in the cloud:

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;

import org.wildfly.extras.sunstone.api.CloudProperties;
import org.wildfly.extras.sunstone.api.CloudProvider;
import org.wildfly.extras.sunstone.api.Node;

import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient;
import com.squareup.okhttp.Request;

 * Sunstone quick-start. It creates cloud provider, starts a single node in it and
 * makes HTTP request (port 8080) against the node.
public class App {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
		try (CloudProvider cloudProvider = CloudProvider.create("my-provider")) {
			try (Node node = cloudProvider.createNode("wildfly-node")) {
				final URL url = new URL("http", node.getPublicAddress(), 8080, "");
				final OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
				final Request nodeNameRequest = new Request.Builder().url(url).build();
				System.out.println("Response from " + url);

Clouds support


WildFly/EAP support


SLF4J is used as a logging facade, so you have to have the appropriate adapter on the classpath. If you use Logback, you don't have to do anything. For other loggers, see the SLF4J manual.

The loggers are called sunstone.*, short and clear. (For example: sunstone.core, sunstone.core.ssh etc.)

Abstraction levels

The library is build around 2 main interfaces:

  • CloudProvider - represents an entry point to given cloud and is able to control Nodes in it
  • Node - virtual machines (or containers) in the given cloud

Cloud provider

Cloud providers are controllers of (or entrypoints to) the given cloud. They are configured through properties prefixed with cloud.provider.[name].



A new cloud provider is created by using a factory class. The CloudProvider interface extends AutoCloseable so it's a good practice to use it in the try-with-resource block.

import org.wildfly.extras.sunstone.api.CloudProvider;

try (CloudProvider cloudProvider = CloudProvider.create("provider0")) {
    // work with the cloudProvider here

The most important feature of cloud providers is their ability to control nodes (virtual machines) in the cloud.

import org.wildfly.extras.sunstone.api.Node;

// create nodes
Node nodeA = cloudProvider.createNode("myNodeName");
Node nodeB = cloudProvider.createNode("anotherNodeName");

// or list nodes
List<Node> allNodes = cloudProvider.getNodes();

There is one general configuration option for cloud providers - cloud.provider.[name].type which selects cloud provider implementation. For more configuration options consult documentation of specific cloud implementation.


The Node interface represents a single virtual machine in the cloud. Nodes are configured through properties prefixed with node.[name].. For instance


Node creation is controlled by cloud providers. The Node interface also extends AutoCloseable so it's again a good practice to use it in the try-with-resource block.

try (Node node = cloudProvider.createNode("node0")) {
    // work with the node here

The Node interface provides set of methods to work with it. It supports for instance:

  • executing commands on the node
  • copying files from/to node
  • controlling running state of the node (start, stop, kill)
  • retrieving the node address
  • checking if a port is open on the node

List of general Node properties:

Property name Description Default value
waitForPorts What ports (comma separated list) to wait for. SSH port is recommended, since you'll likely want to run some commands through ssh on the Node. [None. Optional.]
waitForPorts.timeoutSec How long to wait for ports to open after the instance is started (in seconds). 60
bootScript Allows you to specify a script that is to be run on boot. [None. Optional.]
bootScript.file As bootScript, but allows you to specify a path to a file that contains the script. Only one of bootScript and bootScript.file can be specified at a time. [None. Optional.]
bootScript.withSudo Flag (true/false) which controls if the boot script runs with sudo. true
bootScript.remotePath Path on the Node, where the bootScript should be stored. "/tmp/onBootScript.sh"
bootScript.waitForPorts What ports (comma separated list) to wait for before the executing bootScript. This property is not used if no bootScript (or bootScript.file) is provided. [None. Optional.]
bootScript.waitForPorts.timeoutSec How long to wait for ports to open before the bootscript is executed (in seconds). 60
start.timeoutSec How long to wait for node start (in seconds). 300
stop.timeoutSec How long to wait for node stop (in seconds). 300
sudo.command Sudo command to be used for ExecBuilder executions when withSudo() is used. sudo -S

These properties can be overriden on cloud provider level by appending provider name prefix (e.g. docker.bootScript).

Consult documentation of specific cloud implementation for Node configuration options.

Node API example

Tar a folder on a Node and copy it to local filesystem:

ExecResult execResult = node.exec(

if (execResult.getExitCode() == 0) {
	node.copyFileFromNode("/tmp/wildfly-logs.tgz", Paths.get("wildfly-logs.tgz"));


Special implementation of the Node interface is the NodeWrapper class.

It provides a convenient implementation of the Node interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt behavior or provide additional functionality. This class implements the Wrapper or Decorator pattern. Methods default to calling through to the wrapped request object.


Singleton CloudProperties is used to hold library configuration. It allows to load properties from files on system path or classpath. If a classpath resource /sunstone.properties exists, it is loaded by default.

import org.wildfly.extras.sunstone.api.CloudProperties;


// TODO work with sunstone 


Properties configured in CloudProperties can be overridden in several ways. Users can choose their preferred way.

Configuration templates

You can use existing object configuration as a template for new objects of the same type.

Use property name [objectType].[objectName].template to reference the template.

# define a node

# use the nodeA configuration as a template for a new node

# it's possible to use more template levels and override properties from template

Single object properties

Properties for a single object can also be provided in a property file which contains entries without [objectType].[objectName]. prefix. This file is then referenced from [objectType].[objectName].properties entry.

For instance you can have a property file /home/test/wildfly-node.properties which contains:


Then property file used in CloudProperties configuration could contain:

# reference external configuration file

# use external configuration and override some values

Overriding properties

When the library searches a configuration entry, it goes through following levels.

  1. lookup entry with given name in System Properties
  2. lookup entry with given name in CloudProperties
  3. lookup entry located in property file referenced through single object properties [objectType].[objectName].properties
  4. lookup entry located in the object template (go through the all levels from the beginning)

Once the entry is found it's used (i.e. following levels are skipped).

For instance if properties for your tests contains


then you can use system property to quickly override some value:

mvn test "-Dnode.nodeA.docker.image=jboss/wildfly:10.0.0.Final"

Property replacement

You can also use system-properties replacement directly in property values. The system property name and default value are separated by a colon :.

It means you can refer system properties directly in property file:

# try to find the value in "wildfly.image" system property. If it doesn't exist, then use default value "jboss/wildfly"

File paths

Some properties are expected to contain file paths. This is typical e.g. for SSH private keys:


In such cases, it is possible to load data also from classpath, using the classpath: prefix:


The classpath resource path must be absolute. It must not begin with / (see the javadoc of Class.getResource and ClassLoader.getResource to see the difference). Note that these classpath resources are actually copied to the filesystem and the resulting temporary files are scheduled to be deleted at JVM exit. This shouldn't be a concern typically.
