
A project with a descriptive README so I can remember how to do this stuff later

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Building login-system

Notes for me to reference later

ember-cli reference

  • ember g = ember generate
  • ember s = ember serve, defaults to port 4200
  • ember build or ember build -prod builds to /dist/ directory

Setting up routes

  • Remove the welcome page component from app/templates/application.hbs
  • Generate index route with ember g index for the / path
  • Generate account route with ember g account for the /account/ path
  • Add header and navigation to app/templates/application.hbs so they appear on every page
    • Use {{#link-to "routeName"}}Link Text{{/link-to}} helper to make links
  • Add HTML to index.hbs and accounts.hbs templates that will appear in the {{outlet}} section of application.hbs.

Make a session service to remember logged in user

  • ember g service session to make app/services/session.js
  • Add member variables and functions you want to access during the session, e.g. user, login(username), logout()
  • In the above file, use this.get() and this.set() to access member variables in member functions

Create a component to display whether a user is logged in or not

  • ember g component display-logged-in will create 2 files, app/components/display-logged-in.js and app/templates/components/display-logged-in.hbs
  • Our component needs to access our session service to see if a user is logged in, so edit display-logged-in.js
    • import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; to inject/use a service
    • Add the session service as a member variable using session: service('session') or session: service() will default correctly
  • Now in display-logged-in.hbs you can access the service. Use if and else helpers to display different content if the user is logged in or not.
    • {{#if session.user}} Logged in {{else}} Not logged in {{/if}}
  • Put this component in another template with {{display-logged-in}}

Create a login form component

Note: we're going to start without any real accounts or authentication. Just enter a username to log in as that user.

  • ember g component login-form
  • Inject the session service as a member variable, create a username member variable set to an empty string, and create login and logout actions by adding a member variable actions object with login and logout functions
    • Remember, your member functions must use this.get() and this.set() to access/edit member variables
    • username will be bound to a text input, so set it back to empty string when someone logs in
    • Use your session service's functions to store the logged in user: this.get('session').login(this.get('user'))
  • In the template, display a form if the user isn't logged in or a logout button if they are logged in
    • <button {{ action "logout" }}>Logout</button> will trigger the logout action from the component when pressed
    • {{input value=username placeholder="Username"}} will make a text input bound to the username variable from the component
  • Put this component in the accounts.hbs template