Run any Apple Shortcut with just the tap of a button, and execute a custom unix command (or another shortcut!) after completion to handle its success/failure, using x-callback-url.
- iiseppi
- NastrasGermany
- looizinhoDuque de Caxias
- tuanductranViet Nam
- patrickcarmichaelBrooklyn, NY
- AdamDempseyEngland
- diwaniec
- kaz-is
- r2shyyouParis, France
- turborosso
- edwardlai3582
- sandyjmacdonaldYork, UK
- njm2112Brooklyn, New York
- gramata
- danii3dot
- katertier
- gfmioLondon, United Kingdom
- extropianist
- stedmanhoward
- emory["PHL", "IOW"]
- learn2reid
- Indigoochoa
- tymanflyman